11 : Awaiting Him

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It's Sunday, so I have the day off before working tonight

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It's Sunday, so I have the day off before working tonight. Though my original choice was to spend it alone at the library, my mother had other plans. "Let's grab lunch, sweetie. I feel like I never get to see you," she said, as if she didn't live an hour away and own a car that could drive her happy ass here any time she goddamn wanted. Shit.

I'm not her biggest fan, obviously, but it was for good reason.

My mother and father were teenagers when they met, and very soon after that, they made me. They got married three months before I was born, and to no one's surprise, it didn't last. My parents divorced when I was nine, and my mom immediately went off and married a rich oil-tycoon. She thought he would make her rich when he passed away, but she could only manage to keep from driving him insane for five years before they divorced. But in the meantime, she moved with him to Ohio to start a new life, conveniently forgetting that I, a young girl, might actually need her mother. She abandoned me. Simple as that.

For years, I only heard from her on birthdays and Christmas. Honestly, it was fine. My dad was my favorite person, and he was always there for me. But when I didn't have him anymore, I had no other option but her. We've been trying to repair our relationship ever since then.

I make it to the restaurant a little early and pick a table on the patio. The early November air was unseasonably warm, and I felt like taking advantage. I get comfortable and order myself a glass of white wine to prepare for the chaotic conversation that was guaranteed to ensue.

I hate sitting alone with nothing to do, so I text the only person guaranteed to respond.

Me: What's up sex machine?

Mickey: Not much, gorgeous.

Just chillin' on the beach.

What are you doing?

Me: I should be lunching with

mommy dearest but she's late

Mickey: Late? You must be pissed.

Oh, he knows me so well.

Me: You have no idea...

She practically forced me to

come then she doesn't even

bother to fucking show 

up on time! Ugh!

Mickey: haha!

Me: I'd rather be sunbathing

Mom shows up half an hour late and rushes over. "Hi, baby girl!"

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