14 : Regretting Him

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I make it to work fifteen minutes early, despite the weather

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I make it to work fifteen minutes early, despite the weather. I park and pull out my phone, opening Tumblr immediately.

Mickey posted the third gif last night, and once again, it was an out-of-body experience for me. All the comments about "GBB", yet no one knew they were talking about me. I love it. I scroll through his old posts just to compare the number of reposts and mentions and realize mine is his most popular in recent times.

My heart beats excitedly. This is their favorite? I think. Out of all the things we did that night, it's the one of me making him laugh? It was probably the least sexy thing we did with one another, but in many ways, it was the most intimate. I honestly have no idea why people like it so much. The internet works in mysterious ways.

I put my phone away, and can't stop smiling as I go inside.

Three weeks had passed since Mickey left, and the weather reflected exactly how I felt about that. Winter was officially here. It had snowed for a couple days straight, and now it was cold and rainy. I pull my scarf higher on my face, hoping to gain some additional warmth from my breath.

I make it inside the building and avoid talking to everyone as I shove my bag into my cubby and take off my coat. I go into the changing room and quickly put on my stockings, dress, tie up my hair, and then walk back out to hang everything up and grab my sweater.

"Hey, Penny," Travis says from behind me. I tense with surprise, though honestly, I should expect it at this point.

I turn to him, still smiling like a crazy person. "Hey, Travis." His face doesn't seem as boyish or flirtatious as it usually does when he looks at me, but I couldn't care less.

"Could you come to the office with me for a minute?"

I'm confused at his intent. My smile fades, and I begin to feel nervous, though I don't know why. "Yeah, sure."

I follow him down the short hall and into the office. Inside, Terry is sitting at the desk. He looks at us when we walk in, snarling unhappily. Travis closes the door behind us and I get unbelievably nervous. "What's going on, you guys?" I ask them. Without a word, Terry turns his laptop around, and there is my ass as I'm sliding up and down Mickey's cock.

My mouth drops open slowly, and I feel myself go cold. Oh, shit.

I don't know whether to pretend to be aloof or not. "Wha-what is this?" I manage to say.

"You tell us," Terry says accusingly.

I stammer, still unable to find words. "I don't... I don't know what that is."

"Really, Penny? Do you think we're stupid?" Terry says. "This is a famous porn star that stayed at the hotel back in October. Funny how not two weeks later, you show up on his Instagram, and then..." He pulls up the second post, and I want to vomit. "This shows up on his Tumblr."

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