26 : Ruining Him

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A/N: Friendly reminder that this story is about learning to question your snap judgments

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A/N: Friendly reminder that this story is about learning to question your snap judgments. Please stop calling me an idiot in my comments until you finish reading the story. Or, you know, never. 



Production for the pilot started four weeks ago, and it's been busy ever since. Every day was full of meetings, travel between sets, filming, editing -- all of it time-consuming. The time apart was stressing both of us, so we made a schedule. I switched shifts, so when I was at work, he was editing and in meetings, and when he was shooting, I was able to be there on set like one of the crew. It was a lot, it kept us busy, but we were working towards something together -- a perfect scenario for a couple of workaholics like us.

Sticking to my schedule left me no time to worry about anything that wasn't right in front of my face. No mom, no Vick and Jerry, no ten-year and milestones I set for myself, no upcoming vacations with possible proposals. It was one fully scheduled day at a time and nothing else. Well ... besides one thing.

I had been feeling sick for the past month. Really sick. Part of it was stress, but I knew the rest was something else.

I felt nauseous all day and still hadn't started my period, so I decided to take a test. The result didn't surprise me at all.

"Were you right?" Maggie asks me when I come out of the stall.

"Yeah," I tell her. I toss the test into the trash and start to wash my hands in the sink. I know my body. I had been pregnant before.

"So what are you going to do now?"

I look at my reflection, barely recognizing the face that stares back at me. A part of me knew, but I had let the stress of anticipation and mom's guilt-inducing reminders get to me anyway. I shrug rather than responding with words and dry my hands.

"Do you want me to make you an appointment?"

I sigh. "Yeah. Soon as possible is probably best, right?"

"If that's what you want, yes," she says. "I can go with you if you want someone to hold your hand."

I smile at her. She's a good friend. "You can come if you want, but I'll be okay."

"You sure?" I nod. "Okay." She leans off the counter, her arms still crossed. "You should still tell him."

"Tell him what? He's so busy with everything right now, he doesn't need the distraction."

"Michael loves you, Penny. He'll want to know, busy or not."

I let out a breath slowly to calm my nerves. Nothing she says will convince me to utter a word about this until he is done with production. This can wait.

Maggie purses her red lips as she reads the thoughts on my face. She steps forward and pulls me into her arms, hugging me tight. I lean my chin onto her shoulder and breathe a little easier. After a moment, she lets me go and gives me an encouraging smile as she leaves through the door.

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