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• dedicated to kayxcxxo for being such a lovely human and for your entertaining comments •

• dedicated to kayxcxxo for being such a lovely human and for your entertaining comments •

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[ 09 ]

It was sudden.

One second we were talking and the next, the world shattered into a million pieces, and the sound almost defeaned me.

I could identify the explosions as gunshots and my first instinct was to protect Ethan.

"Get down!" I yelled at him, pushing his head down under the table before doing the same myself.

My breathing was ragged, my heart beating wildly with fear. My throat was tight and my eyes stung.

Glass shattered over my body and I winced as some cut through my arms. The stench of gunpowder wafted to my nose and my stomach flipped.

I crawled towards Ethan and pulled him out of the scene immediately, staying low.

He was still coughing, unused to the dirty air around us. "What's going on?" he choked out.

I didn't look back at him, focused on finding the best way to leave this place - preferably in one piece. "Someone wants to kill you."

"No shit, Sherlock."

I threw him a dirty look. "I expected a better comeback."

Ethan rolled his eyes. "Well, excuse me if I can't really think of a better comeback because I'm in a goddamn life-or-death situation."

Now it was my turn to roll my eyes. "Now, don't be ridiculous, Ethan. This is hardly a life-or-death situations. They haven't even used the grenades yet."

A small object with a beeping sound rolled towards us innocently. Grenade.

I blinked. "Fuck."

Pulling Ethan with me, I ran as fast as I could, putting the maximum distance between us and the grenade. Hoping that it was enough.

The explosion came a few seconds after that. I kept running, not letting Ethan slow down behind me.

There was dust everywhere and it was getting harder and harder to see. My eyes were stinging and watery. I think there was a burn on my arm but I didn't break my stride.

The pounding of my heart was almost audible despite the chaos around us. I could see people screaming and running around.

I recalled that the car was parked not far away from the restaurant. We just had to find it.

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