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• dedicated to AllTheUnSpokenWords for being a very lovely person and for tricking me that you're going to harvard •

• dedicated to AllTheUnSpokenWords for being a very lovely person and for tricking me that you're going to harvard •

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[ 08 ]

I was awoken by the sounds of people arguing. Squinting my eyes against the bright light that was streaming in from the window, I kicked myself internally for not drawing the blinds last night.

The voices floated into my room once again and I strained to hear what was being said.

"-need to leave, Kira." That was definitely Ethan, and I found myself rolling my eyes at the thought of his ex-girlfriend being here again.

"Stop pushing me away, Ethan. I'm not giving up that easily this time."

Ethan snorted. "You didn't simply give up, Kira. You thought you found someone better and jumped ship without telling me that there was a hole in mine. You let me drown."

His words hit me hard. It was then that I truly realised how heartbroken Ethan must've been. You let me drown.

I found myself being in awe at his candor. To be able to let someone see how much they'd hurt you, to be that vulnerable, to show your weakness... an involuntary shudder took hold of me.

I could never do that.

"Ethan, I don't know how many times I can apologise for that. I truly am sorry. Igor was nothing but a mistake and I swear-"

"A mistake? You actually have the audacity to tell me that it was a mistake after you cheated on me and broke my heart?" His voice raised as he spoke. "Are you telling me that you accidentally fell into his bed and onto his dick?"

"Ethan, you have to understand that-"

"I really don't care, Kira."

"I love you."

Silence filled the air and I waited with baited breath for Ethan's response. Was he finally going to cave?

He finally spoke. "If this is how you love someone, I send my condolences to your next lover."

A strangled sound left my throat - a sound that was half-part admiration and half-part amusement. The girl must've cut him deep for Ethan to still be so bitter.

I barely knew the guy and yet I already got the vibe that he was the kind of person that was quick to forgive. I mean, at least he got over the whole landing in jail thing. Well, sort of.

"Ethan, please, if you could just-"

"No, Kira. You need to leave. Now." His voice was hard and unforgiving. Something told me he was near his breaking point. Either he was going to cave in, or he was going to explode. I was leaning more towards the former.

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