21.) Wanderlust

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We sat across from each other in a plastic, shiny, red booth. I glanced around the nearly empty, retro themed diner, briefly wondering if Claire worked here.

I looked at Alexander as he read over the menu. "What're you gonna get?"

"I'm not sure yet..." Alexander mused. "Maybe a burger? I dunno. What are you gonna get?"

I sat back in the slippery booth. "I'm not too hungry." I admitted. He gave me a look. "What?"

"Alex, get something."

I looked at my nails. "I'm never in the mood to eat..."

"That doesn't mean you shouldn't." Alexander snapped. "C'mon. You don't even have to finish it."

I sighed a grabbed the floppy laminated menu. "Gosh, you're so pushy."

Alexander smirked. "Only sometimes..."

I scanned over the selections; it was all the same, greasy foods that's in every fast food chain. I put the menu back down, deciding on chicken fingers--something that would be easy to take home.

"Don't you get hungry after you smoke?" Alexander wondered. "I always get the munchies..."

I twirled the black straw around in my water. "Not really..." I confessed. "After my whole, uh, drug problem in Brooklyn, I pretty much don't have an appetite anymore." I tried to remember when the last time I ate was--I think I picked at some left overs before I passed out on the couch early this morning, but before that, I wasn't sure. "I'll eat little things here and there, to keep me going," I explained. "But I hardly get hungry anymore. Especially when I smoke or drink."

Alexander frowned. "What were you on?"

"Oxy." I replied before shaking my head. "Everything sorta got fucked up after I started taking it..."

Before Alexander could comment, a perky waitress bounced to our booth. "Hey! Can I start you guys on anything to drink?"

I looked at her. She was young, maybe fifteen, with bright curly orange hair pulled back in a braid. Her face was splashed with freckles, and when she smiled, I saw pink braces on her crooked teeth.

Alexander smiled. "I'll take a Coke."

"And an ice tea for me."

She scribbled down our drink order on a black notepad before flashing us one more smile and prancing off. I looked at the old fashion napkin dispenser, fighting back a smile. "She was so cute."

"She looked like a baby," Alexander murmured back.

I looked at him. "How old are you?"

"I just turned twenty one last month." He grinned at me, and for the first time I noticed a little gap in between his two front teeth. "Remember? Virgo?"

"I don't know the dates or anything,"

We shared a laugh just as the waitress returned with our drinks. "Do you guys know what you want to eat tonight?"

By the time Alexander and I got our drinks, we've had several conversations about the most random things, from what his dreams where, to who my favorite rappers were. I was dipping a french fry in a pile of ketchup at the edge of my plate when Alexander asked, "What do you want to do when you get older?"

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