26.) Lost

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Sunny Afternoon by The Kinks was playing in the McDonalds. Marshall wrinkled his nose at the old rock, but I smiled lightly. Though I mostly kept it to myself, I enjoyed rock and roll a lot.

We were sitting at the only free table we could find in the restaurant. We entered in the middle of the lunch rush, but somehow we still got our food pretty quickly (guess that's why it's called fast-food.). Marshall ordered two cheeseburgers for him and Deshaun after I convinced him I wasn't hungry enough for one. He ordered me a small fries though, along with a Diet Coke.

Deshaun noticed my smile and flung a fly at me. "What're you smiling for?"

"Nothin'," I muttered, picking up the fry that he threw and popping it in my mouth. "Mind ya' business."

"Tell 'em, Alex." Marshall praised, taking a bite from his cheeseburger.

"Yo, hop off her dick."

"You were on it all morning!" Marshall cried.

I laughed at them, finishing my Diet Coke. "Finish your food, you too."

Proof stuffed his mouth with fries. "I don't know where we are." He said, his words muffled behind the food.

Marshall and I looked at him. "What?"

"I don't know where we are." He repeated, finishing the rest of his burger in one bite.

I glanced around. Sitting at the table beside us was a middle aged woman with her daughter. She looked nice enough. I tapped her shoulder, and her tired green eyes shot towards mine. "Hi, what town are we in?"

She stared at me like I had two heads. "Flint."


Behind me, I heard Marshall choke on his burger. Deshaun had to hit him on the back to help him. I turned back towards the guys, sure that all the blood fell from my cheeks. "Guys."

"Maybe she's lying." Marshall suggested desperately.

I glared at him. "Why would she lie?"

"Uh, I have no idea how to get home." Deshaun confessed sheepishly.

I stared at him with wide eyes filled with disbelief. "What?" I croaked. "But you got us here!"

"By accident." Deshaun hissed. "I don't know how the fuck to get home."

I looked around the restaurant, a bad feeling balling up in my stomach. "We ran off right after that guy died," I muttered, my breathing picking up with worry. "He was last with Claire. Right after he died, her niece runs away."

Marshall could see that my anxiety was getting bad, and her carefully reached across the table and grabbed my hand. "Alex, chill."

"No, Marsh! Police are probably there right now." My eyes shifted from side to side, like I was expecting to see a SWAT team break through the wall at any minute. "Oh my God, what if they arrested her?"

"You're starting to freak out over nothing."  Deshaun hissed, glaring at me before looking around to make sure no one was overhearing. "We live in the hood, this shit happens all the time. He was no one important, so who cares?"

Though I knew it was cynical, he was right. I sighed and collected the trash onto the tray. "Whatever. You're probably right. Is everyone done?"

The both nodded. I lifted the tray and walked towards the trash can. Just as I was about to dump everything out, I noticed someone. I was shocked and relieved to see it was Lindsay waiting in line with her boyfriend, Carter.

I approached them. "Hey, Lindsay!"

She turned to face me. When she realized who I was, her face lit up. "'Sup Alex!"

Carter looked at me, his eyebrows pulled together. "What're you doing here?"

I forced a laugh. "What? It's weird to have lunch at McDonalds?"

"We're in Flint."

Lindsay nudged him. "Back off, Carter!" She snapped before looking at me. "But seriously, why are you so far from Warren?"

"Me and my friends were el routing and we sorta got lost," I explained vaguely. "Could you help us get home?"

Lindsay looked at Carter. "Wait here." She said to him before walking off with me, I led her to our table. When she saw Marshall sitting down she rose an eyebrow. "You're the lunatic that attacked my boyfriend." She accused, jabbing a finger at him. Marshall perked up an eyebrow, staring at her flatly. "You attack anyone else today?" She snapped, putting a hand on her hip.

Marshall chuckled darkly. "Something like that."

Lindsay glared at him. I tried to rear her attention back to me. "Hey, so how do we get home?"

"You know if Carter sees you, he'll beat your ass." Lindsay stated, before sneering, "again."

I sighed. "Lindsay, please..."

She shook her head and ran a hand through her hair. "Sorry, his face makes me angry."

"How can we get home?" I repeated.

Lindsay bit her lip. "It's a long trip, the best way would be to drive you, and we were gonna go back that way anyway, but...." she glanced back at the line waiting to take their order. "Carter was hungry."

"We can go through the drive through," I pressed. "And we have a blunt waiting in the car."

Her eyes widen, and she scratched her chin. "We're down here 'cause there was a party at a college by here. We were just gonna take the train home, but..." Lindsay looked back at her boyfriend. "Wait here."

As she jogged over to Carter, Marshall bit his lil nervously. "What if he tries some shit?" He mumbled.

"It's crowded here. I doubt he will." I tried to comfort him, but truth was I wasn't sure how bad Carter's temper was.

They both returned. Carter looked mildly annoyed, but when he saw Marshall his eyes flash with anger. Though, he kept his mouth shut. Marshall bowed his head and stared quietly at his lap.

Lindsay grinned and clapped her hands together. "Okay! So the only way I got Carter to come was to promise we were gonna go through the drive-thru, so lets go."

We all stood up. Deshaun introduced himself. "Hey, I'm Proof."

"Lindsay!" She perked.

"Carter," he mumbled, slipping an arm around Lindsay's waist. "You guys ready?"

Lindsay and Carter led the way, Deshaun catching up to Lindsay's side to talk to her some more. He probably wanted to buy some bud.

Marshall and I walked behind slowly. He looked at me. "You sure this is a good idea?"

"Are you scared?" I smirked.

Marshall blushed. "No. Fuck off."

I laughed at him, he grabbed my hood and pulled it over my eyes. "Hey!" I cried, giggling. I shoved him right into a trash can, which earned us glared from bystanders. Marshall laughed before wrapping his arm around my waist and slamming his lips against my ear.

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