44.) Frozen Pizzas

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so some things..........
im wrapping up oh my!!! *sobs* im now gonna be a bit more strict about following the original story (right now, we're technically supposed to be at the same place as chapter 27.) A New Beginning.). THAT BEING SAID i will most definitely be writing the second book, The Fame, as well!!!!
I'm hoping to be able to wrap this up in a few more chapters, but knowing me "a few more" will probably be like twenty more lmao. oh well. Just some things to look forward to!!!
also (some shameless self promo) i have a new story out!!! its called 11/17 and its about a weirdo with anger issues. 10/10 would recommend. (tho its not eminem, sorry stans ): )

"What're we doing..." Bree groaned as I led the way into Giant.

I grinned at her. "Showin' you around. First we'll get food and I'll introduce you to this girl Alicia that works there. Then, we can go by weed and I can introduce you to Lindsay! And last, we can smoke in the park and hope that my other friend Alexander shows up."

"Wow," Bree blinked. "You made a lot of friends while you were down here."

I shrugged. "Eh."

I pushed open the doors and a little bell rang overheard. Much like the first time I came here, there was boisterous laughing and lame freestyles. I glanced at Bree, who was taking in the scenery with a puzzled scowl. "Where's all the people?" She wondered.

I shrugged. "It's never busy here--they have to compete with Goodies, and I guess they're losing."

Bree frowned. "Back in Buck's County, there was only one super market, and everyone used it."

I couldn't help but blink at Bree as I was reminded she was never apart of this environment. Unlike myself, who grew up in streets that matched Warren, Bree lived in the suburbs. A ping of guilt hit my stomach; she truly was thrown into a place she had no idea about. At least I had experience in projects, Bree was born and raised in a small town where everyone knew each other.

I forced a smile and said, "Yeah, Buck's County is definitely different."

I led her to the cashiers, where Alicia was observing her long matte black acrylics and the boys, Chris and Deyon, battled it out with simple rhymes over an overused beat. When Alicia saw me, she perked up an eyebrow.

Alicia hadn't changed much, despite the fact that we hadn't seen each other in more than a month. She still had on her gaudy, professional looking makeup and creative but gorgeous outfit. Her wild lion's mane of a hairstyle was a bit more blonde, contrasting perfectly with her chocolate skin. She only looked at me briefly before returning her eyes to her nails. "Haven't seen you in a while," she stated flatly.

I smiled at her sheepishly, rubbing the back of my neck. "Yeah, a lot has been going on lately. Hope this doesn't make me a bad friend."

Alicia looked at me for a moment, probably to make sure I was being genuine, before cracking a smile and hopping of her stool. "It does. You're probably the worst friend I've ever had--and I had a girlfriend who fucked my man before."

Chris and Deyon started laughing like crazy. Even Bree had to stifle back a few crackles. I grinned at Alicia and wrapped my arms around her. "Love you, too."

"Ayo Ally!" Chris called, putting his rapping on hold.

"Alex," I corrected.

"Whatever. Fuck you doin' here?! I ain't seen you in a whole grip." Him and Deyon both made their way to me. "And helllloooo, who's this?" Chris asked, taking a special interest in Bree. A protective instinct boiled inside me, and my eyes fell to slits.

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