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I fold the cold face towel in half before carefully placing it on his forehead. I brush some of his blonde locks away from his face before sighing in relief.

Adrien is starting to sweat.

Beads of sweat start to form on his face as he peacefully sleeps on one of the beds in the infirmary.

'Mari, your training is making him stressed. Are you progressing well?'

I shake my head, trying to erase what Alya whispered to me as we were walking beside Nino who was carrying Adrien to the infirmary.

"You can't rest well because of me?" I whisper while leaning on the bed. "I'm sorry...the only thing I am good at is bothering you all the time."

I look around the infirmary to check if we were the only ones inside at such a late hour. Everyone in the mutiny saw Adrien faint and now they have left him in my care. Seeing that no one is around anymore (they must have all gone to sleep) my hand inches closer to his and I gently hold it.

"Look at me," I whisper, "making a move at you only when you're not aware of it..." I softly giggle at myself. "I told you that you were not feeling well. But I didn't know that it was mostly my fault..."

And I can't believe that I'm going to betray you, Adrien, with such hands.

His hand starts to move and clench the sheets as he moves his head in his sleep. "No..." He mumbles in his sleep, "Don't shoot..."

"Adrien?" I utter softly. I shake his arms gently and try to wake him up. Is he having a nightmare right now?

"Don't shoot...Don't shoot her!" His eyes suddenly open and he shoots up sitting straight on his bed. Adrien's eyes open wide as he breathes heavily in cold sweat. And he starts to cough hard. I grab an empty bucket by his bed and I place it on his lap. He grabs it and brings it to his face before vomiting in it. He coughs out everything before returning the bucket to me.

I place the bucket on the floor. Then I grab a tissue to wipe his mouth. He lays his head on the pillow and starts to close his eyes again. "Adrien, you have to drink water first." I grab a bottle of water and bring it to his mouth.

He pushes my hand away but coughs again. "This is why you need to drink water, Adrien. Or else you might vomit again..." Finally, he gives in and allows me to help him drink water.

"You're still hot..." I mumble after touching his forehead. The cold towel isn't working.

"Haven't I always been?" He whispers while his eyes are closed but his lips are forming a weak grin.

"Are you really wasting your strength on trying to be cocky with me?"

"I'm not wasting my strength on you." He replies softly, his cockiness vanishing into thin air. "If it was another person, then I would be wasting my strength...but with you, I'm spending it wisely."

Even when you're sick and weak, you still know how to make me swoon.

I clear my throat and bring the blanket closer to him, wishing that my cheeks would stop burning red. "You should go back to sleep-"

"What time is it?"

"It's 10 minutes to three in the morning." I answer after looking at my wristwatch, "That's why you should go back to sleep." I feel his hot feverish hand on mine and I face him. "What is it now, Adrien?"

CHOOSE (Adrienette AU) [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now