Your Duty

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I would rather die fighting for my country.

That thought has stuck to me ever since the moment I knew I wanted to join the military. And when I found out about the mine explosion and father's passing with it, that line became my mantra for years.

But things have changed along with my feelings and now things have been so hard for me.

I keep on saying the mantra in my mind, but it doesn't make sense to me anymore. Above my love for my country and its people, there is Marinette. I love her and I have her already. I'm afraid...of losing her again.

"I want you to be on the frontline with me."

When Monarch said those words, my heart dropped. It was a feeling I could not explain. Was it like a punch to the gut? It couldn't be, it felt worst than that.

"W-What?" I mutter in shock. It was the only word I could manage to say. I had a feeling that something like this was going to happen but I prayed long and hard that it wouldn't become my reality. Yet some prayers are never answered.

I visited Monarch's makeshift office to receive updates on the new movement. With everyone's efforts combined, we've been going to different places to spread the ways and make others aware of what and who we are fighting for. Past members of the mutiny were in-charge of going to the areas badly affected by the explosion years ago to give classes to the young children out there who needed it the most. Marinette was the happiest to know that when I created and drafted that plan to show her. Those people had to lie low for some time because everything we are doing for now should not be detected or be found suspicious by the rebels and even the government. Those who stood close to the government before have also gone to different places. They took into account the amount of support we needed especially from those who chose to live in blissful ignorance. They helped with helping others become aware of our social responsibilities not only as citizens but as humans. The amount of silent support that has started to overflow from the reports I've been receiving keeps on adding the feeling of hope in me. It's a simple kind of joy to know that they changed even just one person's point of view in this fight that is brewing.

What touches me the most, though, is how much the garrison has changed. The people here have grown more patient with each other. Others started to mingle with those who they deemed their enemies before, while some are still in the process of opening up to most and that's okay. As they have started to finally start conversations with one another, each have found multiple similarities that they share. Watching them realize that we are all the same and equal always brings me back to the time when Marinette and I started to treat each other with patience.

The different things, I mentioned, that they have assigned amongst themselves do not even comprise of half the effort everyone has been contributing to. The drive and will keeps getting stronger every day especially since it's almost the date of our planned revolution.

Despite the happy and hopeful atmosphere in the garrison, there is still a hint of stress and doubt in it. Monarch would be one clear example. He hides his true emotions and from the others, only a few people like Marinette, Nath, Nino, and I get to see and hear his growing fears and worries over this whole ordeal. We only have one chance to make this work and this, especially, is a fight we cannot afford to lose.

This brings me back to the situation at hand.

"You heard me, soldier," Monarch states. "I need people with me on the frontline and you have to be one of them."

There is a certain sound of reluctance in my voice, as much as possible I want to hide it from him. "I...I appreciate the offer and the fact that you thought of me to stand with you, but-"

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