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A.N. Surprise! hehe super short chapter ahead.



"Get on!" I shout just as I arrive back at a medical station where there are still a vast amount of people moving to the emergency buildings.

As soon as they see me, some run to the vehicle and climb up on it then start to help those still on the ground. Once it reaches its maximum capacity, I change gear and drive them to the nearest emergency building.

This occurs for some time as there are a lot of people who need shelter. As I do my task in bringing those to safety, the explosions continue, and there was even one near us when I was driving a group of people to the nearest building.

Other soldiers join in bringing the crowd to the emergency buildings. Even Chloé is leading one of the biggest groups of people, I catch a glimpse of her instructing a group to follow her fast. Monarch has also gone to help others but is mostly taking charge of the updates coming from both sides, the rebels and government.

I get down from the army vehicle and lend it to another soldier to continue bringing the rest to the buildings. There is a growing problem now. We underestimated the amount of people that would join us for the movement and are now reaping the consequences of the unsure safety for everyone. The buildings are reaching more than their maximum capacity yet there are still more people outside than compared to those inside. The medics and nurses are making it a priority to bring the severely injured ones inside the buildings for treatment. It's these kinds of sacrifices that become too painful to even ponder on.

Grabbing my comms from my pants, I press the button and speak into it, "Lahiffe, give me updates on your end."
"Lahiffe, speaking," Nino's voice is heard after a while. "Team is checking through those who are injured, continuing to bring severe ones to the medics inside, over."

"Any information on where the next attacks could be?" I continue, "It's awfully quiet."

"Negative," he says and I clench my free hand to form a fist.

"Damn it," I murmur under my breath and press a button on the comms to continue speaking, "Continue with your work, Lahiffe."

"Roger that."

I hook the comms on my pants and run to an area that was one of the first affected by the explosion, dodging people and vehicles in the process. There must be something that I can find there which can lead me to whoever is planting those bombs.

I'm only sure of one pattern - the explosions do not occur in the same places and they are taking down each medical station. Now, since they suspiciously stopped, I do not know what could happen next.

"Agreste, Thaddeus speaking." My comms suddenly goes off again and I grab it to bring it near my mouth.

"Go ahead."

"Received updates from the north," Monarch informs me, "The leader of the government has called for a press conference now."

"About what?"

"...I heard she's going to step down," he tells me, leaving me gaping in shock.

It can't be.

I knew that we were fighting for an outcome like this, but to know that it's happening at this moment feels surreal.

"Monarch," I say into the comms, finding my voice again, "report to me immediately the details in her speech. We need to know everythi-"

CHOOSE (Adrienette AU) [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now