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"Get back here!!!"



"Don't let her get away!!"

"No!!! Get away from my child!!!"

"Let go of me!!"

"We don't have time to dawdle! Drug both of them! Now!"

"No! Let me go! Don't hurt mommy!!"

"Shut it you slut!"

"Ha-Hanji-san? What did you say I needed to do?" Armin, one of the 104th trainees squad cadet asked, fidgeting on his feet.

"I just need you to go out onto the streets late at night in drag and get harassed."

"... I-I'm afraid... I don't... follow?" Armin stuttered, not fully understanding the scientist.

"Listen. Red doesn't kill innocent people. Red only kills people who've committed crime. If we can provoke someone into harassing you, Red should appear!" Hanji exclaimed, clasping her hands together in excitement.

"An-and what if Red doesn't show up?" Armin asked, not fully sure.

"Don't worry! We'll have soldiers on the scene just in case," Hanji reassured.

"I still don't think this is a good idea. I get he looks like a girl, but why don't you make someone else do it? Preferably an actual girl," Eren complained, standing next to his best friend's side.

"Armin looks innocent and weak which is a factor I needed to make this plan work. If you want, Mikasa can be there too, just in case she needs to kick the guy's butt," Hanji replied, laughing slightly. Armin blushed profusely.

"Do-do I actually have to dress in drag?" He asked shyly. Hanji laughed, truly amused.

"Of course! We need whoever's harassing you to think you're a girl," Hanji replied cheerfully.

"I'm still not behind this idea, but if it catches the bastard, then I'm all for it," Eren chimed in, causing Armin to look at him in shock.


"Me too," Mikasa added.


"Then it's settled. We launch our plan in two days."

You sighed from your place in the shadows, waiting patiently for your target. You were in Wall Sina waiting for a woman to walk past the alleyway that you were in. The woman in particular was a wealthy woman, but not a noble. The only reason she has money was because she blackmailed people into giving her money or anything of value. She has close ties with some of the Military Police, so she could easily pull some strings. She's the type of person who could dig up any dirt on you and use it to her advantage.

You snapped out of your thoughts when the familiar clicking of heels echoed through the bustling streets. You heard nothing but those heels coming closer to you. As soon as she strutted past your hiding spot, your arm shot out and grabbed her. As fast as lightning, you had pulled her into the alleyway and had her in a chokehold with a hand over her mouth. No one even noticed she disappeared. Like anyone would, she tried to fight you off, but you easily had overpowered her.

"You're who I'm looking for," your voice said. She immediately recognized you and started thrashing in your grasp more violently, attempting to shout for help, but your hand muffled her cries. "Shhhh." You soothed, but it sounded grated. Rough. Like nails on a chalk board. That only made it worse.

"Now, now, the more you keep squirming the longer your death will be," you warned, removing your hand from her mouth and placing it under her chin instead. She quieted her voice and lessened her movements. You felt wetness on the side of your hand and deduced she was crying.

"Wh-what do you want from me?" She swallowed hard before saying. Her voice was a whisper and weak. Like it was forced. You placed your head near her ear.

"Be a good girl and I'll end this, painlessly," you said, adjusting the distorter so that your voice resembled that of a male. She blushed furiously.

The sound of a violent crack interrupted her. You leaned her against the wall and slid out from behind her and stood up, readjusting your distorter back to its default pitch. You looked up at the sky and noticed a streak of pink, meaning the sun was beginning to set. You pressed yourself further into the alleyway and jumped up a wall to the roof of a house and disappeared to the other side.

'One down... only 257 to go.' You thought, hugging close to the wall.

"So you're going to dress in drag?" Jean laughed wholeheartedly at Armin's blushing face. "Man, I knew everyone thought you looked like a girl, but I didn't expect them to actually use that to their advantage."

"Th-that's mean, Jean..." Krista said with a nervous smile.

"I don't know why they couldn't of used Krista..." Eren cut in, placing his head in his hand.

"Hm!! Like I would allow anyone to touch my Krista!!" Ymir exclaimed, pulling the flustered girl into her.

"What is this even for?" Reiner asked from Eren's left.

"They're trying to catch some mass murderer named Red," Eren replied boredly.

"I've heard of them from my village. Apparently they've killed well over 7,000 people," Connie piped up.

"You're kidding... over 7,000?" Bertle gasped, sweat rolling down his forehead. Connie just leaned back and crossed his arms.

"There was a family back in my village that were found dead. Everyone believed it was Red who killed them," Connie further explained.

"Sorry to hear that..." Armin said, a sympathetic smile on his face.

"Don't worry about it. It never happened again after that." Connie brushed him off.

"But what makes the superiors think Armin dressing in drag will attract Red's attention?" Ymir asked.

"Red apparently dislikes crime and kills whoever has done something bad. Hanji-san said if someone tried to harass me they would show up," Armin explained sheepishly.

"So basically they want you to get raped?" Ymir bluntly put it.

"Ymir!" Krista scolded.

"Sorry, sorry."

"I don't know if it'll work, but I hope nothing bad happens," Jean commented.

"Thank you," Armin replied gratefully.

You stood under the window of a two level house where a man lived. He was in a relationship with a young woman who was living with him. More like she was forcibly living there. He was known as a domestic abuser and arrested for violence and abuse. He had managed to become a free man and was now in a new relationship. You had felt bad for whoever was with him, but now wasn't the time to dawdle. You checked your pocket watch and read the time.

'12:57.' You thought. You closed it and placed it back into your pocket. Time for you to make your entrance.

Ja ne!

   {Ruby Red}

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