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The colossal titan continued to sweep up houses. A ring of fire was created around him, pieces of buildings crashing into each other in a hail of smoke and dust.

"He-hey..." Connie breathed, "Those houses will drop on us. You think one of those houses... is Eren's?" You let out a sigh as you watched everything go flying into the air.

"Eren's house... is eavesdropping!" Manic laughter left him at that moment. Whirling around, you smacked him across the face.

"Calm down," you said, "He doesn't know where we are. He's trying to burn Shiganshina down." Large pieces of rubble crashed into the house right next to your hiding spot.

"Ar-Armin! The fire! Your orders?!" Connie exclaimed.

"Hurry it up!" Sasha added. Seconds went by in silence.

"Miss Y/n, can you take my place?" Armin asked quietly. The other turned to look at him. You also turned your head. "I just have no idea... what do to... I was wrong reading Bertholdt, and look where it got us. Miss Y/n! You're better suited for this!" You stared at him for a moment.

"The river," you said, "Move to the river. Get on Eren. Save your gas." Everyone followed your orders.

"What about you?" Mikasa asked.

"I'm right behind you," you assured. Your wings stretched out behind you and you followed Eren house by house. The colossal titan began walking away from your current location. You landed on Eren's shoulder.

"Eren," you spoke into his ear, "At one point or another we'll have to attract his attention. Until then, don't let him see you." Your eyes turned to the blond next to you.

With a light gasp, he turned around to look at you.

"I'm fine at reading situations, but I don't do well with planning. Kill first, ask questions later." You tapped your gun holstered to your thigh. "In the end, we're counting on you." His eyes widened before he averted his gaze from you.

"Can you do it, Armin?" You asked. He refused to look at you. Your eyes narrowed. "Can you?"
Seconds dragged by.

"... yeah." His head turned to you. "I can." His expression said otherwise. Loud crashing and banging entered your ears on the other side of the wall. A strong stench of blood managed to crawl up your nose.

'Cannons?' You thought, eyes turning to the wall.

'No. Too many impacts.'

"Jean," you spoke, "Take my place. I'm going." You took off without waiting for a reply.

"Hey—! Wait a minute—"
You flew behind the buildings for cover, not allowing yourself to be spotted by Bertholdt. You skimmed up the side of the wall and landed on top. Quickly running to the other edge, you saw blood, dust, and dirt floating aimlessly through the air.

'What happened?' Your eyes went to the Beast Titan. You saw his arm wind up before he threw stones at the houses and the soldiers below.

'He wiped all of them out?' Your eyes swept the ground.

'Where's Levi?' The stench of blood was overpowering. Your eyes found Erwin gaping at the scene in front of him.

"Erwin!" You ran up to him.

"Y/n," he said to you.

"He's throwing rocks, now?" You questioned.

"Yes... half of the Survey Corps... is dead." Another bombardment of boulders came. You were safe on the wall. Down below, you could see the remaining soldiers run to the wall with the horses. Levi was behind them. Erwin maneuvered down and you followed him. You two landed on the ground next to them.

"Commander! Miss Y/n!" Marlo exclaimed. You looked at the blood floating in the air.

"How's it looking?" The sound of your husband's voice drew your attention to him. He walked up to the two of you.

"Terrible," Erwin replied simply, "His throws have destroyed the front line of houses. If he keeps throwing, everything will get leveled. We won't have anywhere left to hide."

"We can't retreat to the other side of the wall?" Levi asked.

"The situation over there isn't any better," you spoke up, "The colossal titan is heading this way while also setting everything on fire."

"Supposing we scale the wall to evade the stones, we'd have to leave the horses," Erwin added.

"To put it in simple terms, we're fucked either way." You sighed, crossing your arms.

'The blood in the air... if I can control its properties, can I create a makeshift shield?' You thought.

"What happened to Hanji's group?" Levi asked, "Is Eren all right?"

"Eren and the others are doing alright," you replied, "Hanji and the others were caught in the explosion. This is a serious blow."

"The Beast Titan directed the small titans so our soldiers would group up in one place," Erwin explained, "As such, while engaging the small titans, Dirk Squad, Marlene Squad, and Klaus Squad were all wiped out by the bombardment."

"I thought I killed all of the titans," you said, eyes narrowing at him.

"After you left, more of them showed up. I guess the Beast Titan anticipated you being here and acted accordingly."

"Tch!" You looked away, a scowl setting deep in your face.

"In other words, our remaining forces this side of the gate... consists of you new Scout recruits, Captain Levi, Y/n, and... me," Erwin said. The recruits screamed as another wave of boulders came flying at them and hit the wall.

"We're doomed!"

"Calm down!" You yelled, walking over to them. "Nothing's going to come out of you screaming like children! Suck it up! You have more fight in you than this!"

"Says you! You can actually get out of here alive!" Floch exclaimed back at you. Your eye twitched before you grabbed him by his collar.

"And what's stopping you, huh?" You tilted your head, expression darkening. "All of you have the ability to make it out here alive, but you're squashing it with fear and screaming. How is that helping?" A loud bang made you look up at the wall. Eren's head was dangling on your side.

"What the hell?" You murmured, "I leave them for five minutes and they're getting their asses beat." You let go of Floch and walked over to Erwin and Levi.

The two of them turned to you. 

"I have a plan, but... I don't know how it will work."

Ja ne!

{Ruby Red}

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