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You sighed and stepped out of the house from your 47th victim. It was near two in the morning and you were finished with your victims for the night. You had mentally crossed off who you killed and who lived. Like a hit list. You were beginning to scale back up the wall and go into Wall Rose when you stopped, hearing a scream echo through the air. You sighed and jumped down from the wall onto a roof. You tucked the hood behind your ears and listened.

"No-no!! Please stop!!" A scream echoed again. It sounded like a female. You placed the hood back to its original spot and swung your way over to where the voice was. You landed on a roof and got to witness a young girl kick her heels into a man's face and start to scramble away. The man growled and grabbed her ankle, yanking her down again. The girl rolled onto her back, her arms pinned above her. The man laughed as he slid his hand up her thigh.

"Please! Help!" The girl shouted again. His smile widened. Suddenly, a foot collided with the side of his face, sending him flying into a building. You heard the girl gasp and sit up. You looked down at her and saw she had short blonde hair and wide, sky blue eyes.

"Why the hell are you walking this late at night?" You asked, hostility clear in your tone even through the distorter. She yelped quietly, her body beginning to rack with fear.

"I— I..." She stuttered out, her voice going five octaves higher.

"Come on!! I was having fun!" The man interrupted her. You turned your head back around to the him. He somehow survived being smashed into a wall.

"Sexually assaulting people is not 'fun'," you corrected, your attention all on him now.

"Maybe not to you," he replied with a smug smile. You scowled from under your hood and began to walk closer. "What? You wanna piece of this?" He laughed, holding out his arms. Once you got in front of him, you and him stared at each other. He scoffed after seeing you not do anything.

"You have the balls of a little girl—" He was interrupted by your fist smashing against his jaw. A painful crack resonated through the air and he went falling down the pavement, unconscious.

"Talk shit get hit, bitch," you said before turning around to face the girl. "Are you okay?" You didn't have the most patience when it came to things like this. She slowly stood up and nodded.

"Ye-yes... thank you..." She replied shyly. "Co-could you... walk me back... home?"
You sighed.

"Sorry kid," you began, throwing her a spare pistol. "You're on your own." You maneuvered to the top of the roof.

"Wa-wait!!!" She called, reaching out to you. You stopped and looked back at her. "Wh-what's your name?"

"Red Ember," you replied. She placed her hands behind her back and rocked back and forth on her heels. "It-it's just... I was never really that strong... and... your name is thrown everywhere in the walls and I got really curious of you..." She looked down at the ground, a blush on her face. You groaned in disgust.

"Listen, I don't have time to listen to your sob backstory. So either say what you want or I'm leaving," you cut her off harshly. She flinched slightly at the raise of your voice.

"We-well... you see..." She said quietly before raising her arm and setting off an acoustic round. You covered your ears from the ringing and bent forward. When the ringing stopped you looked up and saw twelve figures above you. All with the Wings of Freedom emblem on their backs. You growled and drew your sword. You ran up the side of a house and landed on the roof of it, but stopped at the sound of rope. A look of frustration crossed your face when a net had sprung up from under your feet. 

You slashed at it with your sword, but the rope was too thick to cut through in one slash. The sword you were using was thin. You normally used it to quickly and cleanly cut through someone, but the blade itself was too thin. Your other sword was in your house that had a thicker blade and was more durable. Hanji jumped down in front of you with a smile on her face, but you weren't smiling at all.

"Wow~ you really had us running in circles, but now we caught you~" She sang gently. Her goggles she wore during experiments and expeditions were glinting in the moonlight. Your scowl deepened. She smiled and walked up to the net and placed her hands on the rope.

"I'm going to suck all of the information you have out of you," she said seriously, a deep glare on her face. "You've killed a lot of people, Red. And I'm going to find out why." She lowered her voice so that only you could hear. You said nothing, but sheathed your sword.

"Good luck. You may find out my identity, but I'll never tell you anything else," you challenged, raising your hood so that only your eyes were seen, but nothing else. Hanji's own eyes widened at the different colored pair of e/c and black orbs staring back at her with hatred roaring in them.

"You know nothing."

"Where's Red now?" Hanji asked Erwin once he came up the stairs.

"Red is currently in a cell in the basement under the Military Police headquarters," Erwin replied. A look of confusion spread across her face.

"Why the Military Police?" She asked again.

"We may have caught them, but we don't have custody over them. That'll be decided during Red's trial," Erwin explained, passing Hanji to walk down the hallway. Hanji pouted.

"But we worked so hard to catch them!" She whined, catching up to her superior.

"That's not our place to judge, Hanji."

"Get the fuck off of me, you dirty little shit!" You shouted lividly, throwing one of the MP's into the wall.

"Remove the mask and hood or else we'll shoot!!" One of them exclaimed, raising the shotgun, followed by his comrades. Despite being in chains, you're still able to move fluently and without a problem. You've been chained up before. You growled loudly, tugging on the chains that were bound to your wrists.

"You dare threaten me?" You asked lowly, clenching your hands and tensing your muscles, pulling against the chains. The captain flinched, but stood his ground.

"I mean it! One more move and we'll show no mercy!" He exclaimed, cocking the gun. Your eyes narrowed from under the hood and you began to pull the chains. The wooden base that was screwed into the stone wall began to pull away.

"Oh, I'll show you no mercy..." You hissed quietly, yanking the base out of the wall, freeing your wrists from the chains. The soldiers screamed in fear, blindly firing the guns. They failed to notice you had hugged the wall, encasing yourself in shadows. Once they had got done firing, they stayed still for a minute.

"Where did he—" He was interrupted by his head violently twisting around. You had made sure the door to the cell was closed so that no one would hear anything.

Ja ne!

{Ruby Red}

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