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The meeting continued, even after Eren's small outburst.

"Our enemy... is the world..." Someone repeated, "But if we announce this to the public, the walls will crumble into chaos."

"That's right. We still haven't fully grasped the magnitude of this situation," someone from the Military Police agreed.

"Then will we deceive the people again?" Pixis inquired, "You wish to follow the lead of King Reiss and ensure the people of the walls stay domesticated and ignorant? If so, then what ideals did we rise to take the crown from King Reiss?" The two MP's shrunk back in thought. You sighed and rested your head on your palm.

"Let's announce it," Historia said. All heads turned to her. "After all, we're just returning the memories King Reiss stole back to the people a century later. We all share the same fate as the people of the walls. We must unite as one, and bring our entire strength together."

You, Levi, Hanji, and two reporters whose names you forgot, were all in a small break room together. After the news and information had been handed out to everyone, the two men wanted to speak with the three of you. Levi and you had been leaning against the window, looking at everyone who was being enlightened by the reports. The two reporters were at the table talking with Hanji, but you had no interest in their conversation. Levi pushed off from the wall and sat down at the table. You stayed near the window, looking out at the citizens.

"So? How're the people reacting?" You heard Hanji ask.

"It's a bit of everything," the one reporter said, "Some accept it, some laugh it off. Some lash out at the military and insist it's a conspiracy theory."

"Idiots," you spit quietly.

"As all of you feared, it's become chaotic."
You finally walked away from the window and sat between Hanji and Levi, grabbing a cup and pouring some tea into it. At the sight of you sitting at the table across from them, the reporters seemed to shift nervously.

"Yeah, but there's no helping that," Hanji said, "The reports are what put food in our mouths. The taxpayers decide what to make of it."

"I find it quite useless," you spoke, taking a quick sip of tea. "The citizens have antagonized the Survey Corps for years. It would be surprising if they accepted what came out of your mouths immediately. If I didn't see it myself, I wouldn't be quick to believe you either."

"That's the one thing we're doing better than the old King," Hanji said. The older reporter smiled.

"I couldn't be any prouder of all of you," he said, "Not only as a fellow person of the walls, but also as a working man." Hanji seemed to blush lightly.

"Thank you," she said, looking away.

"Right... next time, whip up an article that pats us on the back," Levi said dryly. You smirked lightly while Hanji just turned to glare at him slightly.

"Nice one," you said quietly. The reporters smiled lightly.

"... what will happen to all of us?" The older one asked quietly. "Just as we've looked at titans with fear... and hate... and with the wish that they would disappear from the world... the people of the world see us not as humans, but as dangerous monsters."

"How unfortunate," you said flatly, taking a sip of your tea.

"And as a result, what if this hell only repeats itself?" He gripped his cup lightly, the porcelain rattling lightly. "Until the last of us are wiped out, this hell... won't end."

"Pull yourself together," you said, placing your cup down. "Why do you think the Survey Corps have been doing this? It's to break the cycle. If the time comes when you're all slaughtered like cows, then you can bitch."

"You behave like you're insusceptible to death," the young reporter said. "You can die just as easily as all of us." You glanced up at him.

"I will never die."

You and the rest of the military branches were in the capitol(?) for a military ceremony, which also doubled as a funeral for your fellow fallen soldiers. The Survey Corps were also to receive medals. You didn't think you were a part of that.

You stayed hugged against the walls, body encased in the shadows. You looked around at all of the soldiers intermingling. You saw your comrades talking with a girl from the Military Police. You recognized her as Hitch. You wondered if she knew about Marlo. You watched them converse for a little before Hitch turned and walked away, waving to them briefly. You could see Floch getting a little rowdy with the 104th group. Or, the ones that remained of the 104th. You noticed a sudden tension in the air suddenly. With a sigh, you pushed out of the shadows and pulled Eren and Floch away from each other.

"You two just won't quit going after each other's throats," you said, looking between the two. "I'm not one to talk, but either take this outside, or on another day. Shouldn't you be honoring your fallen comrades?" Your gaze turned dark. The two boys' gazes went away from you.

"What's done is done, so let's just drop it," Connie said, walking over to you three.

"And you guys, you didn't stand up to your superiors," Floch went on. You took a deep breath. "You didn't even stop Eren and Mikasa." Swiftly, you pulled out your gun and shoved the muzzle under his chin, releasing the safety off it.

"I already told you to drop it," you hissed out, the metal biting into his skin. His head was forced upwards, but he still held your gaze.

"All you could do was watch. Medals for what? A funeral for who? You guys better start telling the truth when you go to enlist more recruits."
Your eyes looked around. Almost everyone was staring at you, like they were ready to pounce.

"That way, you won't get cowards like me joining by accident. What the hell are we supposed to do now without Erwin?! Because... even fodder like me... I get that I'm completely expendable, but..."

"Man... you never shut up, do you?" You asked quietly. Floch began to hear a ringing in his ears. "If you're so adamant on finding something worth dying for, then just die already, you trash."

"Floch is right," Armin said quietly from the back. "Commander Erwin is the one who should've lived."

"Armin, I have two guns and I will pull one out and kill you on the spot. Both of you, shut it, and solve your problems later." You removed the gun from under Floch's chin and holstered it, but not before delivering a skull-cracking headbutt. He landed on the floor, head bleeding lightly. You heard light gasps coming from the soldiers around you. You then turned to look at Armin. "Any objections? Either move forward one step at a time or kill yourself." Armin slowly pulled his gaze away from you.

"... right..."

Ja ne!

{Ruby Red}

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