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Usually in hospitals of any kind... they're supposed to take care of you, support you, do the things your loved ones couldn't, and give you things your loved ones weren't able to provide. That's the nurses and doctors job. To take care of patients and make sure their health is getting better, not declining. They're not supposed to visit you only twice a day to drug you and fill your body with medications that do unknowing stuff. But that was your life now. For two months, you've been confined in this shitty place. You didn't bother to know who was in the building with you, so you stayed in your room and never came out. You felt like a teenager barricading themselves in their room. Except this wasn't your room. This was a mental hospital. When people think of good and bad, they think of black as bad and white as good. Racist, right? Well, here where you were, it was the opposite. The people who were wearing white coats were the demons. The patients who have presumably black souls don't get the care they need in order for them to get better. Like you. 

You're hostile, cold, and overall an asshole, but who could blame you? You were forced in here. Instead of that time you willingly went to jail because you felt like you deserved it. You didn't deserve this. There were way more psychotic people than you out there. You yourself had lost track of how many days you'd been in this room. This horrid, white room. There was a small window over a box seat just big enough for a head to look through to the outside world. Otherwise, you were completely shut out. Isolated. Alienated. No one has attempted to visit you in the time you've been here. Unless they have and had been denied access. Those shitty people probably wouldn't even let you look at your reflection. You're stripped of your weapons, even your gloves, and was replaced by a surgical nightgown. A band was placed over your wrist, stating what ward you were in. You were contemplating on just busting your way out and making a hightail for the wall. Problem is, you have no idea where any of your weapons are.

"Y/n, I'm coming in," a male voice called out before the door squeaked open. You sighed and lightly banged your head on the wall.

"It's time for your morning medicine."
You glared at him from the corner of your eyes.

"I'm not taking it."

"Y/n we've been through this—"

"I am not taking it and that is final. Get anyone to restrain me I'll snap your necks," you hissed, your eyes narrowing down to a scalding glare. The doctor sighed and reluctantly agreed.

"When can I leave?"

"When I think you're stable enough to."

"And when is that?"

"Not now."
You turned your head back around to look at the window.

"Get out of my room."

"This room doesn't belong to you."


"You brought me here against my will, you assigned this room to me, I've been in this room longer than you, therefore, it's my room, now, GET OUT!" Your voice reverberated off of the walls like bouncy balls, causing the doctor to jump and run out of your room like a hamster. You growled and looked back out the window, scowling.

'Gotta kill them all...'

"Petra must've turned in the information Cordelia gave me to the Military Police without our knowledge. The thing is, Cordelia and Pierce didn't know I lost the files which is why I went to their manor that time."
Elijah, The Hamilton twins, and the rest of the Survey Corps superiors were sitting around each other.

"Who are you?" |Reader Insert| |Attack on Titan| |Book 1|Where stories live. Discover now