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The six of you were maneuvering away from the female titan, still not being able to shake her off your tail.

"Shitface, you need to transform!" You yelled up to him.

"But can't we just fight it until it gets too exhausted?!" He yelled back.

"I can't protect all of you assholes at the same time! You need to turn!"
Eren looked up at the others and saw they had indecisive faces on as well. They knew he had to turn, but it was too risky. You maneuvered closely to him.

"With her being here you know what that means, right?" You said quietly into his ear. His eyes widened and he snapped his head around to face you. "It means she had to escape the higher ups one way or another. Who knows. They could all be dead right now. Each and every one of them. And it'll be your fault. You didn't have the guts to fight her. Like a wimp." Your whispered taunts in his ear only fueled his fear. His eyes began shaking, body going frigid. Fear was overriding his brain and he had little to no sense anymore.

"Who knows... everyone could be dead. Hanji-san... Erwin... Levi... Mikasa... Armin..."
All was quiet from there on. Your words echoed in his ears and mind like an annoying fly, but he couldn't help but listen to them.

"Are you just going to run away like a coward while they fought? Will you allow these people to die as well?"
Eren tightened his jaw and his fists clenched tightly. Boom. Yellow lightning struck the ground and a loud roar echoed through the forest. You and the rest of the squad rested safely on a high branch of the tree.

"What did you say?!" Petra asked you, anger swirling in her honey eyes. You smirked from under your mask.

"Just some motivation."

"Yes... they are in visual..."
Elijah was hidden in the shadows of the forest deep in the brush. He had been watching the entire time. It made him doubt his own skills, but it also made him more determined. He was sure he was hidden enough to not even be noticed by titans.

You were watching the two titan shifters fighting one another from underneath your hood. You stopped and froze, slowly turning your head to where Elijah was hidden. His breathing stopped when your head was facing directly where he was. You stood up from your crouching position and took a step forward. A small squeak escaped his lips and he immediately slapped a hand over them. Your eyes narrowed from under the hood.

"What's wrong, Red?" Gunther asked. You drew your sword.

"Stay here," you ordered, jumping off the tree.

"Wait!" Petra called, but you ignored her. You landed a few meters in front of Elijah and began to walk towards him.

"You can come out you know... there's no point in hiding from me," your voice rang out. It was crystal clear despite the roars and crashes of the titan fight. Elijah slowly stood up from underneath the bushes and raised his hands in surrender.

"Who are you?" You asked, raising your head slightly.

"Elijah Fletcher. And you are?" He replied. You stood there for a moment, taking note of his different colored eyes.

"Red Ember," you replied after a minute. He smiled and bowed lightly to you.

"It's nice to finally meet you, Red," he said respectfully. You scowled.

"What the fuck do you want, Asshat?" You asked, crossing your arms. He straightened up.

"Well, I was gonna infiltrate the Survey Corps and kidnap you, but seeing as you're more skilled than I originally thought, I scrapped that idea," he replied calmly, shrugging at the end. In a flash you were in front of him with the gun cocked to his head. You were livid.

"Don't bullshit me, Fletcher. I swear if you don't tell me the real reason I will blow your fucking brains out," you growled.

"How would I be able to tell you if you kill me?" He asked with a sly smirk. Your eyes narrowed to a dangerous glare as you pushed him back against a tree, and pressed the gun harder to his head.

"Alright! Alright! I'm sorry!" He quickly said, pressing himself further against the tree to escape your grasp. You released him and stepped away, causing him to breath out a sigh of relief.

"Why are you are?" You asked again, this time more firmly. His face changed in the blink of an eye. His once sheepish, awkward expression was now turned serious. No signs of joking anywhere.

"I know who you are, Red," he said seriously, his voice lowering to a threatening tone. Your brows furrowed.

"How do you know me?" You asked just as threateningly. He smirked, a coyness swirling in his gold and blue eyes.

"I have my sources. The same sources that imprisoned you for five years," he replied, obvious smugness in his voice and on his face. Your composure and stance faltered a bit, eyes wide. You lowered your gun to the ground.

"Impossible. Those people are dead. I got rid of them." Your composure immediately returned and your face once again hardened. He shook his head, smiling at your ignorance.

"No, they're not. There's one main one left and their underling," he replied, beginning to walk around you. You didn't move, but followed him with your eyes. He stood in front of you and looked down on you.

"The reason that I'm here is to bring you back to us—"

"No." You immediately stepped away and cocked your gun once again. "I'm not going back. Not back there. I refuse to let you take me. I'd rather get killed than go where nightmares are made of." Your voice was firm, but it had a slight shakiness to it. And Elijah would use that to his advantage.

"Oh come on, you're shaking in your boots from just the mention of it," he taunted, laughing slightly and walking closer to you. You took another step back.

"Says you. I have a right to be. And from the looks of it, you had to be treated like a god to receive that," you retorted, gesturing to his face.

"Oh, this?" He asked while placing his fingers under his gold eye. "Yeah, I was. It was nice, really. Oh, but I'm sure you know nothing about niceness since you were always treated like shit—" Your fist connected with his jaw.

Ja ne!

{Ruby Red}

"Who are you?" |Reader Insert| |Attack on Titan| |Book 1|Where stories live. Discover now