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This chapter isn't mandatory to read, but it has some important information, so it is recommended.

Edit: Word of advice, read the fuckin chapter

The shrill sound of metal grinding filled the hollow cave below the surface. Sparks flew behind the person and landed on the stone ground. Ruby walked down the poorly carved stairs and saw the woman sharpening a longsword.

"Amalasanda," she called out. The woman stood up straight and looked at the red head through her goggles.

"Oh! You're here!" She skipped over to the table waiting on the other side of the room.

"Yes. Are the Eclipses ready?" Ruby questioned, her arms crossing over themselves.

"Just about~" She sang, popping out the magazine and placing a bullet into it before loading and shooting at the stone wall. The bang that echoed was louder than any other gun Ruby has heard so far. A small spark followed after the boom. The hole in the wall was deep, and wide. The redette's brows raised in surprise.

"Impressive," she said flatly, "Are both of them like that?"

"Yup!" Amalasanda nodded, a smile on her face. "The Lunar and Solar are both identical in every way. Except the materials they're made out of." Ruby walked up to her and grabbed the gun out of her hand.

"What are they made out of?" She asked, inspecting it.

"The Solar Eclipse is made out of Kroirium. A rare metal that can be mined in a small region in Wall Maria. The Lunar Eclipse is made out of Prionium. You can buy some on the black market, though it's not recommended," she quickly added. Ruby nodded.

"Those are rare metals. I'm surprised you got enough to make two guns out of it," she said, placing it down on the metal table.

"So, you're going to give them to the Red Ember?" She questioned, a grin stretching across her face.

"More or less," Ruby responded, her eyes closing. "It's not for nothing, though. She has information on someone who has connections to the one I'm looking for."

"Oh~" Amalasanda hummed, her brows raising and lowering. "Could it be who I think it is?" She leaned her head in close.

"Yes, it is," Ruby sighed, her eyes opening. The blonde's green eyes moved to look at Ruby's deep red eye.

"Oh..." She realized. "He's looking for... that?" She leaned back, her demeanor suddenly serious.

"Yes. He doesn't know where it is."

"Does L/n know of its existence?"

"Probably not, no."
Amalasanda took a step back before shrugging and walking away from her.

"Well? You gonna tell her?"

"I can't. She needs to know the origin of it. I know who has it."

"What?" The blonde turned. "The book?"

"Yes, the book."

"And that explains everything?"

"It dates back well before the titans were created."

"Are you going to give the second one to her?"

"Maybe, but I doubt she would be able to control it. It's already bonded to me." Ruby took out a small knife from her pouch and held it to her arm. "Look." She slid the blade across her arm and instead of crimson red, it was a deep black that went spilling down her skin. Amalasanda gasped in awe before running over to her and grabbing her arm.

"Amazing! Your blood is black!" She exclaimed, swiping her thumb and smearing it.

"Glad you noticed," Ruby replied flatly.

"So... how?" She questioned, looking up at her.

"Y/n has the inverse one. So her blood is red. If I were to give it to her, her body could destroy itself. That's why I need the book," Ruby explained. Amalasanda's eyes opened wide in understanding.

"Wait... that means... you have the second Hell Eye?"

Sylvia stalked through the streets of Trost, pushing past civilians. Her eyes darted between each person. Ever since the morning, she's been feeling this sense of dread following her everywhere she went. She didn't know what it was, but whatever it was, she hoped it would go away. When she walked past a food stall, she noticed a cloaked figure leaning against it. That sense of dread was centered around that person. However, in the blink of an eye, they were gone. So was the feeling. No one seemed to notice. She decided to get out of there quick. She couldn't stay there any longer. She took off down the different back roads, her senses on high alert. A sudden force propelled her forward and she fell to the hard ground. When she was able to focus above her, the same cloaked figure stood over her. Sylvia jumped to her feet, but she was knocked off of them immediately after. Her back collided with the wall behind her. The figure crouched down in front of her before removing their hood. The albino haired woman's eyes widened in recognition.

"You're..." She trailed off, every muscle in her body tensing.

"I don't want to kill you." Her tone was dead. "But I will if I have to." She raised her arm and caged Sylvia between the wall and her.

"I know he gave you a book, did he not?" She questioned. Sylvia nodded almost instantly. "Where is it?" She swallowed before reaching down to her back pouch and pulled out the small, but thick book. Like a flash, the book was out of her hand before she finished moving it. Ruby removed herself from in front of her and walked away. Without a word, she vanished from Sylvia's sight. Ruby flipped open the book to a random page. The handwriting was almost completely illegible, but she could make out enough to put together sentences.

'Entry 158: No one could handle the eyes. We're looking for someone who has the strength. The two eyes are too powerful for one person. The Red Eye is far superior than the black one. The criteria the person needs to meet in order to brandish it is unbearable. Not even we, Symbolum Deklodo, would be able to mold a child to fill the list without killing it. Only a person of inhuman qualities have a chance.'

Ruby stopped walking.

"Well..." She said out loud. "Congratulations, Deklodo." A small smirk stretched at her lips.

"You have found your inhuman."

Ja ne!

{Ruby Red}

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