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Okay so a little PSA.

Lately on a lot of these chapters there are comments such as 'did you assume my gender', 'gender assumer', and shit like that... while I get they're... jokes? And they aren't meant to be taken seriously it's sort of getting annoying. Of course to all the transgender people who are reading this book I can see and understand where you're and they're coming from, but if you were in Red's shoes, I really don't think you would care whether or not they called you she or he, would you? I'll repeat what I had commented on my one chapter to make things clearer. I just felt when Levi's hunting down someone his initial reaction is 'him/his/he.' Not to mention no one says 'him/her/he/she/' out loud when they're trying to track someone down. More or less they don't care what your gender is unless they 100% know. Not to mention Hanji has scolded him and Erwin usually says 'they/them' anyways. If it's meant as a joke, I'm not offended, and if you're serious about it then the pronouns are corrected when Levi and them know you better. AoT is in a different world where naked giants go around eating people, I don't think they're concerned with what pronouns to use for you when the wall could be broken down again at any moment.

Of course I'm not directly calling out people. Maybe indirectly, but still. I don't call people out unless I hate their entire existence and being.

Thank you~ Ruby

Edit: You forgot nonbinary, intersex, genderfluid, and genderqueer you excluding FUCK

"What do we do?" Levi whispered behind you. You handed him one of your swords.

"What does it look like? We fight," you replied with a small smirk. Levi almost passed out from how damn attractive you were with that alluring smirk, but decided that the task at hand is more important. Your father had not moved from his spot. He just continued to stare down the one hallway. Your eyes narrowed in suspicion. You knew he knew you two were there. Why doesn't he come out and say it? Is he waiting for something? He slightly turned his head in the direction of the hallway where you two were hiding, but he didn't say anything.

"I know you're down there. Corporal Levi, Red Ember," his voice called out. You waited a second before standing from your hiding spot and calmly walking out into the middle of the hallway. Levi stared at you, but did not follow. F/n turned around fully to face you, his arms folded behind his back and a smirk dancing on his face. "My. How you've blossomed into a fine--"

"--killing machine, right?" You interrupted him. He hummed in question, but never once changed his expression. "You were the mastermind hiding in the shadows. You allowed mom to take the role of commander-in-chief while you were silently supervising everything from the darkness. Your goal was to create the perfect machine for killing, right?" You ended it in a question. F/n chuckled, amused, but not shocked.

"It seems you've caught on. However, it did work for ten years, right?" He countered. Your eyes narrowed. He then held out his arms in a shrug. "But it doesn't matter now. I got what I want." He happily, closed his eyes.

"But at what cost? What were you gaining from all of this?" You asked. F/n opened his arms and looked down at you.

"I gained the perfect human for killing. The perfect human to wield the eye that was in the strongest known warrior to man," he replied, smiling. "But you don't even know how to control it, right?" Mockery was obvious in his tone.

"If you did, I'd be dead already."
Your grip on the sword and gun tightened.

"I didn't wish to learn how to control this eye because my life would've been at risk," you replied sharply.

"But you would've gained unimaginable power."

"At the cost of my own life if I didn't do it correctly."
F/n didn't say anything after that and just stared at you, smiling blankly like a doll. You didn't fear him as much as Rhea, shockingly.

"What was your goal? What were you trying to achieve by killing your own son, abusing your wife, and putting your daughter through so much torture that I can't function properly?" You asked, your throat beginning to close, but you forced it back open with sheer willpower.

"I had heard rumors that there was an organization down here that was in possession of a preserved eye. One that was once a part of a warrior. I became fascinated with that, so I went down there myself. I figured out it was a cult that used children as an experiment to try and make them wield it. The amount of children piled up probably exceeded a hundred," he began, having no qualms about talking about it like it's the easiest thing in the world. You were beginning to grow uneasy from hearing the story. "I was able to bribe them into making me the leader. They killed off the previous one and made me the newest one. I was there for about five years, the death total exceeding six hundred. Not one child was able to endure the torture and died from either bleeding, starvation, or malnourishment. I decided to take a break and go back up to the surface where I was reunited with your mother. When she took me back home and I first met you, I studied you. Watched how whenever you fell, you would brush it off and continue doing whatever made you fell. Whenever you would accidentally cut yourself, you would calmly wrap it up instead of crying to your mother like a normal child would. I knew you were the child that would be able to endure those years. And you did." Your face was blank, but your body betrayed you, shaking subtly, but enough to let F/n and Levi see what he was saying bothered you.

"But that... that doesn't make any sense... what about mom? Where does she fit in?" You asked after swallowing a ball of saliva that threatened to choke you if you breathed.

"Your mother was fully against the idea. It took a lot of convincing and beatings for her to finally agree. After that, I molded her into the perfect wife. Quiet, obedient, submissive, and inferior."
Your hand that was gripping the sword was shaking more than your whole body combined. So all in all, you were the reason why things were the way they were. Had you just cried once when you were younger, all of this would never have happened. Your brother would still be alive, your mother would still be sane and loving, and your father... well... he probably wouldn't be a free man, but you wouldn't be here. You unsheathed your gun and aimed it at him, your mind fuzzy from all the sudden information. You had no solid thought process. You couldn't even fathom what you were thinking.

"Y/n!" Levi called, standing up. He didn't want you to make any rash decisions. While he knew you needed this, there was a fine line between just right and too far. Right now you were on the brink of too far.

"Tell me you're lying," you ordered, your voice quivering. An unpleasant lump had formed in your throat and your vision was blurry. You didn't know if it was because you were crying or you were passing out. "Tell me this is just for shits and giggles. My brother is still alive, my mother is okay, and you're just playing a huge prank on me, right? Right?!" Right now your emotions were speaking through you. You were barely aware of what you were saying or what you were doing. Levi called out your name multiple times to try and calm you down, but you ignored him. Levi knew you were going downhill. That's what he was afraid of. F/n also pulled out a gun and aimed it at you. Levi began to run in front of you, but stopped when F/n began talking.

"Unfortunately, my dear daughter, this isn't a prank nor a joke. This is reality. Maybe this will snap you out of it," he replied while beginning to pull the trigger. You pulled yours the same moment he did, and your bullets whizzed by each other. Yours hit F/n square in the chest, but the bullet missed you. Confused as to why F/n aim was so off, you turned around. Only to see Levi lying in his own puddle of blood.

Ja ne!

  {Ruby Red}

"Who are you?" |Reader Insert| |Attack on Titan| |Book 1|Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz