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You were currently riding in a carriage with Levi and Erwin to the capitol, which you had to go through Sina first. The reasoning is because of the last expedition. Between you and Levi, it was like a new leaf had turned over. You finally trusted him enough to tell him your name. Normally people wouldn't think of it as a big deal, but after a month of not knowing your name or gender, he was the first to know. Him. No one else. Something in him felt proud that you trusted him the most to not only tell him your name, but to tell him some of your past as well. Not Hanji, not Erwin, not even Eren who sleeps in the same room as you.

"Why am I here? I didn't even take part," you asked, crossing your arms and legs.

"No, but you're still a part of the Survey Corps," Levi replied.

"You're here because you're the only one who fully incapacitated the female titan to the point where she was forced to stop," Erwin explained. Levi hummed and looked back out the window, and you sighed. "By the way, thank you." You hummed in question and looked at him.

"No one's ever spoken up against the citizens before. It was a big help. Thank you," he explained. You slowly nodded in slight surprise. Someone thanking you? It was highly unlikely, but here he was. Thanking you for something that anyone would do.

"No... problem..." You replied quieter, still not used to this whole 'nice' thing.

"I'm surprised you didn't actually pull the trigger on that guy. I imagined you'd kill anyone who insulted you," Levi piped up. You crossed your arms and leaned back.

"You've insulted me plenty of times and you're still alive," you retorted. Levi just clicked his tongue in slight annoyance. The trip was quiet between the three of you after that. No one said a word. The carriage then came to a stop as an explosion sounded off further in the distance.

"What the hell?" You muttered, following Erwin out of the carriage. Nile, a few MP, and Corps members were already standing by. You sighed and pulled your gloves tighter on your hand.

"Erwin. I'm going ahead," you called as you jogged past him.

"Wait, Y/n," you heard Levi say. You sighed at hearing your name and stopped, turning your head back towards him. "Be careful." His face completely serious. You rolled your eyes.

"What else," you replied before taking off in the direction of where Annie was. You were slightly irritated that the original plan didn't work. Now you had to work even harder to contain her and possibly catch her. Down below in some rubble, you saw Armin and Jean. You fell down towards where they were and jogged towards them.

"Oi, what's going on?" Your voice rang out to them.

"Red!" Armin exclaimed, relief washing over his face. "Eren's stuck under here! He couldn't transform into a Titan after all. It seems Annie being the female Titan may have held him back!" You tch'd and walked right up to where he was lying, pushing past Jean.

"Oi! You shitface! We've all placed our trust in your stupid ass hands! Our lives, our freedom! And this is how we get repaid?! Who gives a shit about who she is?! Isn't she the one who caused dozens to die?! Isn't she the one accountable for numerous deaths?! Why are you holding back, dumbass?!" You shouted to him. His eyes slit open in time to hear your rant, but a large piece of stone crashed against a building and rebounded towards you. The three of you were blown back while Eren was crushed even more. You all looked to your right and saw the female Titan. You growled under your breath and brought out your guns. You stood up and started marching towards where she was, but not without saying something first.

"If you plan to win against someone who's completely discarded their humanity, you must do the same in order to be victorious. So tell me shitface, can you?" And with that, you blasted off. You maneuvered onto a roof and loaded your gun. Your irritation was rising greatly at the troublesome work it was taking to get her.

"Hey!! Leonhart! What the fuck are you doing?! Didn't anyone ever tell you that killing wasn't very nice?!?!" You shouted ironically, aiming your guns and firing them. They successfully blinded her while you took off and launched towards her. You unsheathed your sword and spun around her ankles and legs, causing her to fall down. She, however, immediately began to recover and soon stood up. "Fuck you!!" You dodged her fist. You had led her to a small clearing where Hanji and others were waiting. When Annie ran in front of them they sent a barrage of hooks, tripping her and causing her to fall. They then threw a heavy net with spikes on her too. You landed on the roof and watched Hanji swing down towards Annie. You looked around and saw her legs were still free.

'That's not going to be enough.' You thought. Soon enough, Annie swung her leg, breaking apart the traps and getting up. You clicked your tongue and maneuvered after her.

'How annoying...' You thought, frustrated. Now figuring out she was heading towards flat ground you stopped following her and stood on a roof.

'No point. Shitface will take care of her.' You thought. Not even a minute later, a yellow lightning bolt struck from the sky where Eren was.

"Oh? It seems that shitface did it," you muttered. Thumping footsteps came running towards your direction, breaking glass, tearing apart walls, and smashing people. You heard a roar before you saw Eren, in his Titan form, run past you and crash into Annie. The battle between the two of them was incredibly intense, a lot of roaring, smashing, blood, and fighting. Although you got amusement out of watching them, you couldn't help but notice all the people who had died from their Titan battle.

'Even more annoying.' You thought as you saw Annie run towards the wall. She hooked herself onto the wall and began to climb up, but Eren had followed her. He jumped up and latched onto her leg, biting it. She covered her foot with crystal and forced him off. Knowing she'd get away, you swiftly and quickly maneuvered over towards her and cut her fingers off, starting with her right hand and then moving on to her left. Before she completely fell to the ground, you landed in between her eyes which followed you.

"Annie... die..." You said before jumping off of her and watching as she fell to the ground where Eren was waiting. He jumped on top of her and began to tear her apart. When her head went flying somewhere else, Eren leaned forwards and ripped apart the skin, exposing Annie. When his eyes landed on her, however, he froze. Hesitated. Because of that, crystal exploded and began to merge the two of them together and incasing Annie as well. Before you had the chance to move, Levi had already cut Eren out of the nape.

With the titan corpses nothing but bones, Military Police surrounded the trio as well as the crystallized Annie. Looking up at Hanji, you noticed a worried expression on her face. You don't blame her. There were a lot of casualties. Stohess District was basically in ruins and your key witness was now in an eternal sleep, probably. You walked up to her and placed a hand on her shoulder.

"Get over it. We may not have gotten information, but we at least caught one enemy," you said, looking at Annie.

"One?" Hanji repeated curiously. You nodded.

"Annie and Shitface aren't the only titan shifters. There are more among us."

Now in the underground chambers where Annie was tied up, you, Hanji, and Levi were down there.

"What are you going to do now? Annie wrapped herself up like a burrito, so what's the next plan?" You asked, crossing your arms.

"I don't know. We've suffered from a load of casualties. Not to mention the damage that was caused," Hanji replied. You sighed and turned around, beginning to walk out.

"I don't think it's even close to being over." You said to them.

This is the end of season 1!!! Next week I will post the first chapter of season 2! 

Edit: Lord, I have a lot more editing to do

Ja ne!

{Ruby Red}

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