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"Black flares?!"
You turned your head and saw the smoke fly up into the air.

'Abnormal? This deep in the formation?' You thought. Any titan that wandered this far and close to you would have gotten killed by soldiers. You looked forwards and saw Levi muttering to himself. It seems he knows what's going on. Of course. The asshole.

"Ne, Red... you can kill titans right?" Gunther asked. You scoffed lightly in admonishment.

"Who the fuck do you think you're talking to?" You replied. You placed your hand on your hood and pulled it down more. How annoying. Whatever was inside the formation was moving quickly and dangerously. Maybe even killing all of the soldiers in its wake. You sighed and looked around. Everyone seemed calm for the moment. How frustrating. You would love to work alone, but due to your unfortunate position, you cannot afford to go off on your own.

"How ridiculous..." You muttered to yourself.

The center columns of the formation entered the Forest of Giant Trees while the left and right columns went around. While you were curious about what was happening you weren't utterly eager to find out either. You weren't a strategist. You could be, but you chose not to. Whatever happens, happens. You'll just have to figure out a way to get out of it.

"Red," Levi called. You hummed in response. "You out of all people you should know this. Scouting enemies when you can't see them." He intended for you to finish for him. You caught on easily.

"When you can't scout the enemy, your reflexes and senses should be heightened to their maximum peak. If you have the reflexes, you should be able to evade, even if your enemy spots you first," you finished for him.

"Huh?! We all don't have the reflexes like you!" Olou exclaimed in irritation.

"You don't need to be like me. Reflexes can always be improved with the right training. You're veterans of the Survey Corps. Don't let a rookie and some outsider show you up," you replied, glancing behind yourself to look at him. A black flare shot off from directly behind you all. You narrowed your eyes and turned your head to face front again. You released your gloves, letting the built up air out with a hiss. You looked behind you once again and saw a soldier fly out of the trees. You watched as a hand slammed against him, killing him instantly. A female titan emerged from the trees and ran at you full speed.

"Move it!" Levi ordered. You all sped up. You moved your eyes behind yourself and examined it.

'Is that a titan shifter? Like what shitface can do?' You thought. You ignored your squad mates' yells and moved your eyes back front.

"Hey shithead. Do you want me to hold her off?" You asked Levi. He turned his head to look at you.

"Do what you want. I have no control over you," he replied.

"Huh? Weren't you supervising me?" You asked, disbelief in your voice, but it came off as harsh.

"I am, but I cannot control you. You're that type of person that no matter how many times people try to contain you, you'll just bust out of every cage they put you in. You're stronger than anyone here. You would be able to survive out here yourself longer than anyone," he replied. It surprised you, really. The whole time you've been under his watchful eye, he had been a shithead to you. What made him suddenly switch? Does he think he's going to die? You drew your sword and unzipped your mask low enough to place the hilt in your mouth. You removed your foot from the stirrup.

"What are you doing, Red?!" Petra exclaimed to you.

"What does it look like, shitstain?" You replied, glaring at her from under your hood. You turned your body and shot your wire right between the titan's eyes, and swung towards her face, landing on her giant ass nose. She didn't do anything and just stared at you, despite not seeing where she was going. You lifted your hood slightly, showing her your e/c and black eyes. Her own eyes widened, pupils shrinking.

"You've run straight into hell, shitstain," you said before slashing her left eye with your sword. Steam began rising from her eye and she covered her nape with her hand. She aimed her other hand towards you, but you jumped off her nose and pushed off a tree, and shot your wire into her ankle. You slid against the ground. You used your sword to slice her achilles. She fell to her knees and you used this opportunity to shoot your wire underneath her chin, and flew out from under her and retracted you wire to successfully lacerate her other eye. You whistled and Star went running below you where you fell on top of her. She quickly ran away and rejoined the squad. They stared at you in shock, except Levi, and didn't say anything. They didn't have to. They knew you'd be able to beat the shit of it, but when they actually witnessed it... it was like an action movie in real life.

"I bought you a few minutes tops. I would suggest you get a move on," you said, noticing them looking at you instead of focusing.

"You heard them!" Levi exclaimed, and that immediately snapped them out of it. You looked to your left and narrowed your eyes at the moving figure parallel to you.

'Is that a horse?'

Rhea was behind her desk shuffling through papers and reports.

"So experiment 777 was dispatched, huh?" She muttered to herself, looking over his profile. "It's about time. Only two years compared to the fifteen years on experiment 666. She began to write more stuff down the paper.

"You can't run away forever, 666. After all... you are our only successful weapon..."

The female titan had recovered and was meters behind you once again. You sneered lightly, but stopped when you saw Levi pull out a gun.

'What is he doing?' You thought.

"Cover your ears, everybody!" He called back to all of you. He loaded the gun and shot.

Ja ne!

{Ruby Red}

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