Can We All Just Agree That He's a Cinnamon Roll??

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John Laurens once wrote a "love" poem to a woman, and the people that believe that Laurens was straight use that as an argument.

(But we all know that's not true lmao)

In the first place, he was already married so he wouldn't be writing love poems to any ladies.

And second, that poem was written kinda like a way to say thank you to a woman who had given Laurens a pair of gloves.

The poem was really shitty, but let's face it, the gesture was still cute.

Also, some people think that Hamilton helped John write the poem because it had a fairy simple rhyme scheme that was similar to the one in Hamilton's poetry.

(If you didn't knew, Hamilton tried writing poetry but it was kinda meh).

So yeah, John wasn't being romantic or straight, he was just being a cinnamon roll and thanking the girl for the gloves.

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