The Laurens Kids

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Requested By KingLilLaurens

So! The Laurens Kids. Before we start I'm gonna warn you of something: They are cool as heck.

James Laurens: Didn't really do much since he, you know, died at nine years old. When the incident happened he was under John's care in England and John blamed himself for it for the rest of his life (which wasn't that much time) and Henry didn't really help much with the guilt. John wasn't on the house when Jenny decided it was a good idea to jump from one window to another and cracked his skull but he was with him on his final moments.

Mary Eleanor: Also died young at 25 years old so she didn't do much either. She married a man named Charles Pinckney, thing that Henry was not happy with (is he ever happy with anything?) and basically he disapproved greatly of the marriage and even delayed it for two years. She died because of childbirth complications. I don't believe she and John had much time together since she was born in 1770 and John left to Europe in 1771.

Henry Laurens Jr: You see, if someone got it as bad as John from Henry, it was Henry Jr. To Henry's eyes, Harry (let's call Henry Jr. Harry because I'm getting confused with so many Henry's) would never be as smart and wonderful as perfect John Laurens (thought not perfect enough because Henry still had to be an exigent bitch didn't he?).  During his time in Europe John tutored Harry which seemed to help him a lot since he was actually getting support and praises from someone (not like Henry y'know). John would also set time aside to do stuff like boating and exploring the city with him and Jemmy. There isn't much info about his adult life but we do know that he wasn't that interested in politics or planting with annoyed Henry.

Martha Laurens: This woman was awesome and there are some stories involving her that I can't wait to tell your guys about cause they are hilarious. She, as you may already know, was the one who took in Frances Eleanor Laurens after John died, she wanted to give her proper education and was more interested in letting her pursue her own interest that only learning household duties. She almost got buried alive once as a baby because she had a very severe small pox and they were even preparing the funeral that was under an open window but then the doctor was all like "Oh wait she's alive, probably because of the fresh air y'know" but if he hadn't realized she probably would've gotten buried alive. She already knew how to read by freaking age 3 (whaaaat) and lived until age 51.

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