Fun Fact #16

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Random Fact: So not only John was a great artist but both of his siblings Harry and Martha also were good at art.

Judging by the fact that Henry had no artistic talent whatsoever as far as I know (and I honestly can't imagine that grumpy old guy ever up picking a pencil for creative purposes) we can assume that Eleanor Ball aka an actually queen was an amazing artist which she passed on to her children.

So people are telling me I should probably promote this here (Nightcore_gurl I'm looking at you) but for this LGBT history month I'm making a book in which I'll post random Lams facts and quotes every day. It's nothing serious, just a fun random thing to celebrate LGBT history, so, check it out if you want I guess? It's called "31 Reasons Why Lams Was Real" (its not really "reasons" just little facts, but the title sounds cool so—)

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