The World Turned Upside Down

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Do you like Yorktown?

Do you like the lines "The world turned upside down"?

Well, guess who do you have to thank for that!


John kicked ass at Yorktown. He teamed up with Alexander, lead a battalion, and captured Major Campbell of redoubt No. 10 himself. Not only this but afterwards Washington chose him to negotiate the surrender of Cornwallis.

When Charlestown was captured, the British had the Americans march out with their colors cased while a Turkish band played. John, of course, wanted to give the British a taste of their own medicine.

After a while or arguing the terms of surrender, a compromise was reached and the British were allowed to march out with their swords drawn and with trumpets accompanying the drums. The march that was chosen for the British's exit?

The World Turned Upside Down.

So now when you listen to Yorktown, remember it happened because John was a grudge holding little shit.

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