The Rain Song (Led Zeppelin)

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24th January 2014 - The Rain Song

It's grey and rainy today.
Most people would say it's gloomy and depressing but it's beautiful. I love rainy days. Kim reminded me it's why she's a genius in making me move to London with her.
It's the best decision I've made, despite the nerves associated with it initially. But it's been six months now. And it's been the best six months of my life.
Yes, I miss my family.
Yes, I hate that my niece is growing to only know me through the screen on an iPad or if we are lucky a computer.
But at the same time I love my life here.
I love both of my jobs.
I love the friendships I'm building here. The life I'm creating for myself.
I'm in a position I never imagined I'd be in. Happy as I head in to the final stretch of my 20s. I've feared my upcoming birthday for almost a year now.
But I'm not entirely afraid of it now. I feel actually, legitimately happy.
Sure I'm still single while my friends back home are busy sending out thank you cards for wedding presents and decorating nurseries but I've never done things the way everyone else did. Someday I may do all of that but right now I like my life.
I started this blog just about seven months ago. To document my life as I made this change and to give my family back home a glimpse to my life abroad.
I titled it London Calling for multiple reasons. I'm a huge fan of The Clash and London Calling is one of my favorite albums. But I felt like literally London was calling me and telling me to give it a try before I gave up on my dreams. And I'm glad I did. I moved here with no job and no idea what I was going to do with myself but a goal to have it figured out within a year.
And today I sit writing in the bookshop where I work. It's been a rather slow day and I'm just waiting on a customer to show up. I'm enjoying some tea while I listen to Led Zeppelin's Houses of the Holy coming from the speakers of the computer and singing along to The Rain Song. One of my absolute favorite songs.
I love the rain. Sometimes it's just what you need to cleanse away the trials of life and start new.
xx Annie

This is the springtime of my loving - the second season I am to know
You are the sunlight in my growing - so little warmth I've felt before.
It isn't hard to feel me glowing - I watched the fire that grew so low.
It is the summer of my smiles - flee from me Keepers of the Gloom.
Speak to me only with your eyes. It is to you I give this tune.
Ain't so hard to recognize - These things are clear to all from
time to time.
Talk Talk - I've felt the coldness of my winter
I never thought it would ever go. I cursed the gloom that set upon us...
But I know that I love you so
These are the seasons of emotion and like the winds they rise and fall
This is the wonder of devotion - I see the torch we all must hold.
This is the mystery of the quotient - Upon us all a little rain must fall.

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