Let It Be (The Beatles)

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I pulled back from Annie to see a smile spread across her face. Her smile was beautiful but there was something different to it right now. Maybe it was the kiss swollen and reddened lips. Or the sense of joy I could tell she was feeling. I leaned forward again, lightly brushing my lips against hers. My hands found their way to her waist pulling her close to me. I'd kept telling myself that being a gentleman was the way to go with this. I really liked her and wanted to do this right. But at the same time all I wanted to do was kiss her.

"We should be cooking," she whispered.

"I know," I replied just as quietly before barely touching my lips to hers. "But I want to kiss you."

"So kiss me." I finally pulled Annie closer to me this time kissing her passionately.

"Aww you two are finally kissing. About time. Do I smell coffee?" We were interrupted by Kim's voice. I saw that she had sat down at the breakfast bar with Niall next to her. I saw Annie's cheeks flush before she snuck out of my grasp and moved towards the espresso machine.

"You do. Pumpkin spiced latte for you and vanilla caramel for you," she said handing mugs to Kim and Niall.

"This is delicious," Niall said. "I now see why Harry spends a small fortune getting coffee from you every day. You're like the magical barista."

"She also typically has a cupcake or a muffin literally with my name on it," I said. It made me feel special that if she knew I was in town she'd bring me a treat every day. I've always heard the phrase, the fastest way to a man's heart is through his stomach. I never really put much thought in to it but with Annie it had been accurate.

"I've got these little brown bakery boxes that I found at a cute shop that I put stuff in. I always doodle on Harry's so that it's safe for when he comes in."

"Aww, young love," Kim said laughing. "So how is the cooking coming along?"

"So far the sauce is on. Harry wants to learn how to make all of it so I've been trying to teach him. Once the meatballs are made and in I'll get started on the cupcakes. I'll do the pumpkin first so that you don't shank someone and then the red velvet. Though I considered doing the purple velvet instead."

"How do you do that?" Niall asked.

"Food coloring. It's a bit expensive but it's fun. I did blue velvet for Kim's birthday."

"Those were so good," I said, she'd saved one for me and brought it to the shop. Blue velvet with cream cheese frosting and blue glittery sprinkles. "You are lucky you live with her. Though I'm sure I'd be fat from all of her baked goods."

"We live across the street from a 24-hour gym. I spend a fair amount of time there. Especially December, she got homesick and baked non-stop," Kim replied.

"I vaguely remember a new cupcake or muffin every day for a few weeks," I said.

"It was every other day when you were in the States. She bakes more frequently if she knows you'll be eating her sweet treats."

"Shut up!" I caught Annie glaring at Kim because she was trying to embarrass her. I was having fun today. It seemed natural that the four of us were spending time together.

"Aww Sugar. That's cute." I leaned down and kissed Annie again. "You still taste like mint chocolate."

"What?" Niall asked.

"I made mint chocolate lattes for Harry and I," Annie replied.

"Didn't know you liked that mate." Niall was giving me a strange look.

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