Sunday Morning (Maroon 5)

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Harry Styles Gets a New Lady For His Birthday?
Yesterday was our favorite curly headed One Direction member, Harry Styles, 20th birthday. He was seen out in London celebrating with friends and family at Spaniard's Inn. The group included his mother, sister, hairstylist Lou Teasdale , BBC Radio 1's Nick Grimshaw and bandmate, Niall Horan among a larger group of friends. Included in this group was a new brunette we've been spotting Harry around London with all week. We've done the necessary sleuthing and have a bit more about his new lady love.
So here's the scoop. The new woman in Styles' life is 29 year-old American, Annie Catalano. A quick search through social media shows that she's very active online. A blogger, photographer and cupcake lover who works at a Camden Pub and Hampstead bookshop. A quick read through her blog, , leads us to believe she and Styles first met several months ago after she relocated to London. She's a bit coy when she speaks of him but curly hair and to-die-for dimples are a dead giveaway about Styles. Seems he's been wooing her for a while. Pictures of flowers and other gifts he's given her fill her Instagram account.
First spotted last weekend by other pub goers at The World's End in Camden, Styles and Horan were seen with Catalano and a blonde friend, believed to be Catalano's flatmate Kim Scott, sharing drinks. It was said that Styles was seen leaving with Catalano and they spent most of the night flirting and holding hands. Again spotted Monday in a Camden coffee shop a few lucky fans took pictures of the couple. Word is they were all over each other, not afraid of the morning caffeine lovers. They were also spotted around London Monday with cameras in tow. Rumour has it that Catalano met older sister Gemma for dinner and drinks earlier in the week and took Styles out for a wild night at Camden Pub, O'Brien's on Friday before a family oriented day and party at home with friends last night.
They were seen leaving together hand-in-hand from last night's birthday festivities. Styles doing his best to shield Catalano from the cameras camped out across the street on their walk home. She's become a staple on the Instagram accounts of many of his friends, appearing in several pictures from last night's party and in pictures posted by Styles, his sister, Gemma and mother, Anne.

 She's become a staple on the Instagram accounts of many of his friends, appearing in several pictures from last night's party and in pictures posted by Styles, his sister, Gemma and mother, Anne

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This photo of Catalano, taken earlier this week, appears to have been taken in Styles' home. Looks like she's getting happy at home with Harry. Maybe the photo is his handiwork. You tell us. What do you think of Harry's new lady love? We will keep you up to date with all things Harry Styles and his new flame. Stay tuned...

2 February 2014: Sunday Morning (Maroon 5)

Sunday mornings are some of my favorite mornings. Lay in bed feeling lazy, snuggled up in blankets. It's especially wonderful this morning. The last two nights have involved a bit more party than my life normally involves. And tonight will be no different because it's Super Bowl Sunday! It's been an incredible weekend that I'm not ready to have end. I've been curled up in bed with this wonderful man asleep in bed next to me and a delicious cup of coffee. He's the reason this weekend has been so amazing. We've spent the whole weekend celebrating his birthday. There's been more cake, laughter and fun than I've had in my life for a long time. And all for this incredible person who walked in to my life when I was in such a strange place and has been there for me. Friendship that lead to this relationship that has the potential of being life changing.

And that involves being in positions I would never have imagined. So today, on this gorgeous February morning I woke up to see that my phone looked like a bomb had gone off. I didn't know so many people could find me on Twitter! And I got curious. I went to the search bar on Tumblr and typed in the two simple words that have changed my life: Harry Styles. HOLY. SHIT. I'm on the internet. I don't get it. No one cares about me...well they didn't until last night when he held my hand on the way in to a restaurant. I guess it's been going on all week judging by the fact that there are grainy camera phone pics from a week ago on here. Needless to say I'm shocked and flattered. Didn't realize anyone cared I existed. Though I'm aware you don't. You care about the man in my life. And that's fine. He's wonderful, I get it. And you have nearly broken my website because of the traffic there to see pictures of him. Which I enjoy, I know why people would crave information about him. He's such a great part of my life and has been from the first time he made the door chime on the way in.

So as I lay here, mind blown, all I can think to say is, Happy Birthday Harry. You've changed my life for the better because of every little thing about you. And I'm sort of glad the world knows it. You make me laugh. You make me smile. You make every moment of every day better just with your mere presence. Thank you for everything you do for me. Thank you for everything you are. Thank you for being born.

And to all you who stumbled upon this page because of the man in my life. Enjoy. I don't intend on hiding that side of my life now that a gossip site felt the need to share the link to this. His career doesn't affect how I feel about him or how I lead my life. I just ask that you be kind. Kindness is a simple gift to give others.

Until next time...xx

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