Viva La Vida (Coldplay)

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I slid my phone back in to my purse after telling Harry where we were in the pub. I couldn't believe that I'd agreed to him coming out. I've gone mental...and evidently British. I looked over at Kim who was laughing at me. I must have the goofy smile on my face again, the one she says I get every time he texts me.

"Harry is on his way. He and Niall just got done with dinner and are headed over."

"Cool. Are you prepared to try and bang him? Do you have a condom with you?" Kim asked. Sometimes she was bold and it shocked me. Since we'd moved to London I'd only slept with one person. Granted I met him the day we moved here and we started dating quickly. But Cameron had been the only person I'd been with whereas Kim was having fun enjoying British men and had seen a few since moving here.

"I don't have a condom with me. I don't intend on banging him."

"That's too bad. You should steal him to the loo and bang the dimples off of his face." I laughed at her use of British slang. I'd picked it up quickly being surrounded by Lizzy, Lyla and my customers at the pub and bookshop. She did it to screw with me. I quickly changed the subject, though I was having a hard time staying focused on our conversation. I was anxious waiting for Harry to show up. After about ten minutes I saw his blue beanie coming up the stairs. I waved at him when I caught his eyes, stood up and he smiled at me. His smile was one of my favorite things I'd discovered since moving here. It was bright, cheery and was the perfect cure to a gloomy day. But tonight it was different. It was hopeful, excited, and maybe a bit sexy. Okay why am I lying to myself? A lot sexy.

"Hey Sugar, Kim," he said. He quickly hugged Kim before coming over to me and hugging me. We'd only hugged a handful of times but they were memorable. He was warm and gave tight hugs. He was significantly taller than I was so he was bent over at the waist with his arms beneath mine.

"Hey," I said quietly in to his ear. "I'm glad you made it."

"Me too. You look beautiful." We heard the fake coughing of our friends. "Sorry I'm terrible. Niall this is Kim."

"Nice to meet you," Niall said shaking her hand.

"You too," she replied.

"And you remember Annie," Harry said. Niall turned to me. I stuck my hand out to shake his as he'd done with Kim.

"Are you kidding me? He got one hell of a hug. I want to see what's so good about your hugs. He was telling me all about it on the way here."

"You are entirely too embarrassing," Harry mumbled as Niall pulled me in to a hug. He squeezed me tight and just long enough that it began to feel weird. "Alright, okay, that's enough." Harry separated us and I saw Niall quickly sit down next to Kim.

"Look you two have to sit together," Niall said smiling.

"I think we are gonna make a great team tonight," Kim said. They high fived and flagged down a waitress to order a round of drinks. Harry and I sat down in the chair and he slid his arm behind me to make more room. Or at least I thought that's what it was until I felt his fingers start to twirl my hair a bit.

"Are you playing wingman for her?"

"Wingwoman. She shouldn't need this kind of help though."

"Neither should he. It's sort of obnoxious. He talks about her a lot. And ever since he got her number I catch him giggling at his phone because they're texting."

"It's similar on my end. She's always trying to figure out the time difference between here and wherever you are."

"You do that?" Harry asked. I felt the blush creep in to my cheeks.

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