Drive (The Cars)

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The door chimed signaling a customer. I looked up from my book to see him walk in. It was the visitor I looked forward to every day. He was tall with curly brown hair, beautiful green eyes and dimples that made my knees go weak the first time he flashed them at me. I knew instantly who he was the first time he walked in the shop almost six months ago. His face was on magazine covers and name a trending topic on Twitter. He was Harry Styles, one of the most well known faces in the world. That didn't make a difference with me though; he was sweet, kind, generous, told terrible jokes but always had me laughing at them. On the rare occasion we had more than one customer in the store he'd offer to buy them a cup of tea.

His visits were never short. He was usually here at least fifteen minutes, often times spending hours sitting in here keeping me company while I worked. I knew he was getting texts, likely asking where he was because surely he had somewhere better he could and probably should be. There had even been a few times he'd been here long enough that I'd left him in charge so I could run to the back.

"Good afternoon, Dimples. Your usual?" I asked. I knew my smile was huge; I could never hide it around him. I was sure I just looked like this smiling, blushing idiot. But there it was on his face, a giant smile with the Grand Canyon of all dimples shining back at me. He pulled his beanie off and shook the raindrops out of his hair and made the smallest noise as he did it.

"Yes, how are you today, love?"

"Good. Enjoying a bit of mint tea, a book, and thinking of starting a fire."

"And some Led Zeppelin. Nice choice." He walked over to the wall and flipped the light switch that started the fireplace. Everything in here was vintage and full of charm except the fireplace. My boss Lizzy converted it to gas because she hated the idea of carrying firewood.

"Of course. I may have to go home and listen to this when I get there. Sounds better on vinyl but this will do for now." I turned to the coffee machine behind me and mindlessly started to make the coffee he ordered every day he came in.

"So what are you reading today?" he asked sitting in the empty chair he always filled right by the fire. I'd been sitting at the counter most of the day but when he came in typically we sat in the chairs by the fireplace.

"Sex, Drugs and Cocoa Puffs. It's been a while since I read it. Decided to bring it to work with me today."

"Never read it. Any good?"

"Yes, he's funny. The first chapter talks about John Cusack ruining his life because every woman wants Lloyd Dobler."

"Lloyd Dobler?" he asked.

"Say Anything." He shrugged. "High Fidelity? Gross Pointe Blank? The Sure Thing? Better Off Dead? Sixteen Candles?"

"I've seen Sixteen Candles."

"He's one of the nerds that shows the girls panties in the bathroom at the dance."

"Oh. And you think every woman wants John Cusack?"

"Oh my god yes. His characters are sweet, emotional, neurotic, and," I sighed. "Perfect. I'm gonna bring High Fidelity in for you on Monday. You're watching it. You'll love it. Promise." I handed him his coffee in a to-go cup. I always did this. There was the chance today's visit would be short lived and he'd need to go. Today's must not be planned to be short because he pulled his coat off and hung it on the back of the chair. I curled up in to mine and faced him.

"What do I get if you're wrong?" he asked raising his eyebrows and shooting me another dimple filled smile. My stomach did a triple salchow followed by a double axel. It's like he knew that was my weakness and that if he asked me to jump off the top of Big Ben that I'd do it in a heartbeat. "Will you finally grab that drink with me I've been asking for?"

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