Wicked Games (Chris Issak)

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Racier questions? What the hell was I thinking? Did I really want to ask or answer questions of a more intimate and sexual nature with our friends around? Not really, no. But, I did want to get to know her better and figure out if she really meant that I didn't need to be a gentleman. I wanted to be good, badly, but I also wanted her, just as badly. I had started to search around on the iPad and finally found what I was looking for.

"Okay, here's a better one. When did you lose your virginity?" I asked. Shit, that meant I was going to have to answer that. "Sugar, you go first." She started to laugh nervously and I saw her eyes shift around. "Drink baby." She eyed me as she took a gulp of her wine. "You laughed, that was the rules."

"Okay, fine. Christmas break my freshman year in college. It was with one of the guys I was friends with in high school. We'd all gotten together at his house to watch movies since we were still 18 and not old enough to get in to bars. He was being a bit handsy all night with me and I was the last to leave. Once we knew our friends were gone we had sex in the basement guest bedroom at his parents' house. It was awkward. We'd been close friends since we were 14. I've realized since then that if sex is good you aren't thinking about anything but the sex. That night I was thinking about what I wanted for Christmas and how to organize my room for break." She laughed a little at herself. "Being around him now is just still strange. It's like 'Hi, I've seen you naked and you know things that the rest of this room doesn't know'. I pretty much avoid group functions at home now." She took another giant drink of her wine. "That wasn't totally terrible. Dimples, your turn." It was my turn to laugh. "Drink baby." She threw my words back at me and I stuck my tongue out at her in response.

"Fine. I was 16, it was a girl back home. The X-Factor shows had already started airing or I'm sure she wouldn't have thought of me that way. I was terrified that we'd get pregnant. Hell I was terrified that just thinking about sex with her would get her pregnant." Annie laughed at me.

"Does the UK have shit sex ed classes or something?" she asked. "I mean condoms generally help prevent pregnancy and I'm assuming you used one."

"I did. And I did take sex ed class. But I was 16, nervous and scared out of my mind about the concept of children. It was literally the most nerve-wracking moment of my life up to that point, other than auditioning for X-Factor. I'm sure I was complete rubbish."

"Annie, you should judge that," Kim said. I saw her glare across the table at her friend who smiled proudly.

"Your turn meanie," Annie said. Kim started to laugh. "Drink up Kimmi Ann." Kim flipped Annie the middle finger as she took a drink.

"It was in college. A guy in one of the bands that played near campus a lot. We flirted a lot at shows and after one of them we went to a party. I had a bit too much to drink and we ended up having sex in his room. I tried to avoid him like the plague afterward."

"That bad?" I asked.

"No, well I guess at the time I wouldn't have known. But it just was weird and I don't like weird. I like to avoid weird. So I avoided him."

"Niall," I said glancing at my mate at the opposite end of the table.

"Can I take a shot instead?" he asked. I knew that he was shy talking about this. He hated that early on in our careers it was a frequent question. He was more private about his sex life. I just typically laughed. Everyone assumed I had sex with every woman I was photographed with so there was no need to give details and either confirm or deny the story. No one would believe me anyway. Niall was always worried what his Mum and Dad would think.

"We all answered it," Annie said. "Plus you're amongst friends. None of us are gonna judge you. I mean to be honest it took me a year after that first time to have sex again. And several years before I realized what good sex was like. I could tell you plenty of horror stories about my life, not just my sex life, I'm not like that." She glanced at me and smiled. "But I don't judge people for their experiences."

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