Waiting (Green Day)

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I waited until I could see her reach the landing at the top of the stairs and the door shut behind her before I pulled away. I was still massively surprised that she finally agreed to meeting tonight. I could feel my nerves ignite in excitement. As soon as I was down the street I started to do some strange dance in the driver's seat. Where the hell did that come from? This is a night I have been waiting for. It was the beginning of December the first time I asked. I was home for a few days and had come in towards the end of her shift with an excuse to buy a Christmas gift for Gemma. In reality I'd gone in hoping that she'd agree to having drinks with me. She said she had plans with some friends but was lying. Over the last six months I'd developed the ability to tell when she was lying. She'd been lying that day and I was confused as to why.

It was the next day when I asked how her night out had gone that she tried to make an excuse. She said that plans got cancelled last minute and didn't want to bother me with a late text. Eventually she gave up her story. She knew I could tell and not only admitted that she had been lying but that she hated that she'd lied to me. She told me she wasn't sure it was appropriate to get drinks with a customer. But I kept asking, nearly every day I was in there. Eventually Lizzy even told Annie to say yes, but every night she said no and told me maybe someday. Lyla had told me that she thought Annie was intimidated by the perception of what I was interested in dating. That she just needed to trust the reality that she was who I asked to drinks. Lyla had been on my team since then working covertly to get Annie to agree. I wonder what her reaction will be when she hears we finally won.

I arrived at Niall's after a short trip through the city. Parking in the drive I got out and headed in to the house. I knew that he would have the front door unlocked so I let myself in and wiped my boots on the rug.

"Where are you?" I called.

"Back here," he replied from his living room. I headed through the house and flopped down on the couch on the opposite end from Niall. "So she finally said yes, huh?"

"She finally said yes." I knew I was grinning like I was mental but I didn't care. I knew that Niall wouldn't judge me. He knew more about Annie than anyone, except my sister and maybe Ben. Everyone else just knew about the girl from the bookshop. "She and Kim, her flatmate, were getting supper and then heading for drinks. I figure once we are done I can see where they are and we can go meet them."

"Is her friend hot?" Niall asked. "I mean if I'm gonna play your wingman I should at least get to have fun right?"

"She's very pretty. Blonde with a southern accent. She's also American." I opened up the Twitter app on my iPhone fiddling around until I found Annie's profile and brought up a photo of the girls together. Annie's smile lit up her whole face making her blue eyes sparkle, even in a photo taken on an iPhone. The photo was a favorite of mine. She'd posted it a few weeks back. They were exploring a winter market near the river with giant hot cocoas, which knowing the stories she tells were likely spiked. "I've met Kim once or twice when we happened to be in the shop at the same time. She seems pretty cool."

"She's cute. Tonight won't be too terrible. So food?"

"Sure, you're starving. Let's go." I stood up and we headed to the foyer. Niall pulled on a coat before we were outside and in my car. I drove to restaurant listening to Niall talk while I barely said a word. We were inside and seated at our table almost immediately.

"Earth to Harry. Come in Harry," Niall said waiving his hands in front of my face. "Where did you go there, mate?"

"Sorry, I'm a tad preoccupied. I'm excited for a chance to hang out with Annie outside of the shop."

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