Changes (David Bowie)

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Changes (David Bowie)
6 February 2014
So many changes right now. I don't even know where to begin. So let's go through some of the major changes.
Kim and Nate bought a house! We are all preparing to say goodbye to Camden and I don't even know how to begin about feeling. Leaving the flat will be bittersweet. It's the first place I lived in London. It's where everything in my life started. It's where I found a place that felt like home. Two jobs that mean the world to me. But the next step is big. Kim and Nate have a house. Their lives together are going to be starting in this wonderful way. We will be packing up the flat and moving on.
To answer the question that I know is buzzing through your head. No, I'm not moving with Kim and Nate. And no I'm not moving in to Nate's old flat above O'Brien's...Niki is living there. I'm moving in with the best change in my life. And yes...he knows I'm blogging about this. He's sitting here next to me on the couch as I write this. He says 'Hi!' asked if I'd include a picture of him in here. So I promise I'll add some pictures and maybe if he's lucky he'll be in one. This change is probably the biggest for me, personally. I've never lived with a boyfriend. I've never even talked about living with a boyfriend. And here we are already feeling like we don't want to live apart. I mean, yes, logically it makes sense that I move in with him rather than find a flat to rent or move in with Kim and Nate and take over part of the house that they intend on starting their lives together in.
So H and I are diving in the deep end and moving in. I love him so truly there is no where I'd rather be than in this house...our house. God that even sounds weird to me. He's been making me practice all week. Every time I say it without saying that it's ours or mine he corrects me. We had dinner tonight with a large group of friends and by the end of the night him correcting me had turned in to a drinking game. Louis had a tally going on the chalkboard at O'Brien's. It was high...I'm not giving the exact number it was just too frequent. But truthfully I'm excited. I'm preparing to move the last of my stuff tomorrow after work and this weekend as I've suddenly been given the weekend off so I can move.
Okay...moving on...other changes. Oh yeah! I'm blonde again! If you follow me on Instagram you've already seen that.

 Oh yeah! I'm blonde again! If you follow me on Instagram you've already seen that

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I am a little bit crazy when it comes to my hair. It could be black, blonde, or blue depending on my mood. I've changed it quite a bit over the years but I moved here with blonde hair and quickly decided that wasn't who I wanted to be anymore so I bought some boxed hair dye and BAM brown hair. Thankfully with the help of Louise and the girls at Bleach I'm not using a box on my hair. And blonde again! I want the weather to warm up so I always tend to go crazy with the color right before my birthday in hopes that it will encourage Mother Nature to stop being an evil witch and make the snow and cold go away. I didn't put a finished product on Instagram so here ya go!

 I didn't put a finished product on Instagram so here ya go!

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