My Funny Valentine (Frank Sinatra)

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My alarm went off at an insane hour. I'd wanted time this morning to make Valentine's Day special for Harry. He'd seemed so sad last night that I was going to be spending my whole day at work and not with him. He'd begged me to call in sick. He'd tried to bribe me with kisses on every inch of my skin. He'd made love to me for hours, saying that he was stocking up for a Valentine's Day alone. I felt bad when he fell asleep with his head on my stomach while I played with his hair. He mumbled how he loved me in his sleep. So I'd set my alarm earlier than I ever did so that I could try to do something to make the day special for him. I quickly shut the alarm off and slipped on the t-shirt he'd worn the day before and snuck downstairs to the kitchen.

The sun wasn't up yet as I started the coffee and breakfast. I'd laid in bed last night mentally going through the pantry and refrigerator to make sure that I had all of the necessary ingredients for a fantastic breakfast. Heart shaped pancakes, fresh strawberries, eggs, bacon. Everything was going to be hearts or red if I had anything to say about it. I was digging through my baking supplies and finally found my heart cookie cutters. I used them as egg forms, he was going to laugh his ass off at me. Once all of the food was done I put it on a tray with the two cups of coffee and whipped cream with red sprinkles on the top.

"Hey Dimples, good morning," I said in a sing-song voice. He groaned in to the pillow. I watched the muscles in his back flex as he turned to look at me.

"Good morning beautiful," he said, his voice a low growl. "Did you make breakfast?"

"I did. Happy Valentine's Day babe." I put the tray down on the nightstand and climbed on to the bed kissing him. "I thought breakfast in bed would make up for the fact that I am working all day." "Good start to making up for it." He pulled me in to him, kissing the crown of my head. "I wish you didn't have to work tonight. How did you not get the night off?"

"I've asked for so much stuff off recently and some of the cocktail waitresses asked for the night off ages ago...before I had a boyfriend."

"Well it sucks, I don't want to share you with a bar full of people. I want you to myself."

"I know. And I hate it. Thus why I am up so early when I don't have to be. So Dimples let's enjoy this breakfast I made you," I said climbing out of his arms and grabbing the tray, placing it on the mattress so he could see everything.

"You are amazing," he said kissing my bare thigh before sitting up. "Heart pancakes, heart eggs."

"I tried to make the bacon in the shape of a heart and it just looked weird," I said laughing.

"I love it. Thank you. I love you baby."

"I love you too," I said kissing him before shoving a strawberry in his mouth.

"You did a great job at breakfast baby," Harry said after soaking up the last bit of syrup with the last bite of pancakes. He laid back on the bed, his hand sneaking up my back beneath the t-shirt and rubbing circles on my skin. "What time do you have to be at the shop today?"

"10:00," I said turning to look at him. I saw him glance at the clock. 7:09AM. I had really woken up a lot earlier than I normally would.

"You are giving yourself plenty of time," he said. He pulled me closer to him and started to kiss me. His hands sliding up underneath my shirt resting on my ribcage.

"I was more concerned about giving us time. I thought maybe a bit of quality time this morning would help ease the pain of being away from me all day." My legs moved to straddle his waist. "And keep me satisfied until sometime in the early morning hours tomorrow when I crawl in to bed beside you. When I wake you up with my mouth on your skin."

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