Chapter Four

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Chapter Four:

Harry picked up Bree suddenly, almost with no effort, and him and the boys started walking towards the tour bus. The last thing Bree remembered before falling asleep briefly in Harry’s arms was the feeling of his chest under her hands.

When they reached the tour bus, Bree could vaguely hear lazy mumbling as they got inside. Harry held her tightly and walked down the long tour bus towards the bedroom. Bree couldn’t help but pry her eyes open, she’d never seen the inside of a tour bus before, obviously. There was the usual cab part where the driver sat, then it was like a coach bus in the middle, with rows and rows of seats, even though there were only five boys. After that, there was a little kitchen, bathroom, and table area.

“We want to remodel this area,” Liam said to Bree, motioning towards the rows of seats, “to have a few couches and a coffee table, and a mini fridge. Niall wants a flat screen TV, but when are we going to have time to watch it?”

“Sometimes I wonder if you hear yourself talk, Liam,” Niall said, shoving Liam out of the way so he could get to the bedroom. “When we drove from Florida to California, for example.”

Bree laughed at the brotherhood these boys had. It was special. She wished she had friends like that. She loved Maddie, but sometimes it was hard work. Finally, they got to the bedroom, which had three double beds in it.

“Usually Louis and I share this one,” Harry whispered as he pointed to one particularly unmade bed with dirty clothes strewn over it. She giggled at how untidy he was. “Liam and Niall share that one,” Harry said and pointed to the tidiest of the three beds. “And Zayn get’s that one to himself. The lucky bugger,” he laughed lightly and pointed over to Zayn’s bed. It was partially made, but was a big improvement from Harry and Louis’. Harry set Bree down on his bed and started cleaning up a little bit. And by cleaning up, he just ended up tossing dirty clothes onto the floor or over to Louis, where he’d be sleeping with Zayn tonight, since Bree was staying over.

She wouldn’t say anything, because he was being so kind to let her stay, but Bree was secretly really nervous. She’d only been dating him for three hours, and they were about to sleep in the same bed. Obviously, they wouldn’t be doing anything more than sleeping, but she was scared nonetheless.

Bree looked down at what she was wearing and frowned, “Hey, Harry, I was wondering if-”

“Sure babe, I’ll get you a shirt,” Harry said went into the closet to find a shirt. Bree smiled and caught the one he threw at her.

“Harry, you’re a slob,” Louis cackled as Harry inspected his cleaning job he’d just finished.

“Not a word, Tomlinson!” Harry warned playfully and pulled back the covers. “You’re one to talk, most of those clothes were yours.” He got into the bed as Bree turned to go change in the bathroom.

“You wound me!” Bree heard Louis cry dramatically and she looked back to see him fall backwards on the bed.

She closed the bathroom door behind her and closed her eyes, letting what happened catch up to her. She grinned widely and hugged Harry’s shirt close, the happiest she’s been in a long time.

Bree pulled off her plaid shirt and shorts and pulled on Harry’s light green T-shirt over her tank top.

She found a brush in the drawer and brushed through her hair quickly, before quickly wiping off the little make up she had on. She opened the door and went back into the room, getting a little self conscious of the shirt, even though it reached mid-thigh.

Harry smiled as she walked in and patted the spot next to him. Bree crawled under the covers and snuggled up to Harry’s side.

She looked up at Harry and smiled. She loved how him and the other boys were with each other. She also loved how they were the exact same on stage as they were off stage. There was nothing fake about them. Bree realized, in that moment, that she had been really wrong about them.

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