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Disclaimer: The Harry Potter World belongs to J.K. Rowling.



Reia stood outside of the Gryffindor Common Room, right by the Portrait Hole, debating whether or not she should get a Gryffindor to let her in to check on her brother.

The Full Moon was in two days, and she was just worried how sick Remus must be feeling now.

She was carrying a cup of warm tea which she'd just gotten from the Kitchen a few minutes ago, and she rocked on her feet as the Fat Lady in the Portrait stared at her expectantly.

"Well? Are you going to tell me the password or leave?" The Fat Lady said, raising her eyebrows.

Reia just shook her head and didn't reply.

"Oi, Snake!"

Reia sighed and turned around to find Sirius Black looking down at her.

"What are you doing here?" Sirius asked, raising his eyebrows.

Reia snapped, "I just wanted to check on my older brother."

"He's fine," Sirius said, "But you're not coming into the Gryffindor Common Room. Never."

"Black, you're a Seventh Year. Can you be more mature?" Reia said with a groan.

"And you're an ickle Sixth Year," Sirius retorted, "Why should I trust you? Why don't you go hang out with my little baby brother, Lupin?"

Reia sighed, "Whatever. Give this tea to Remus, would you?"

She passed the warm cup of tea to Sirius, who, thankfully, took it—before she turned on her heel and marched off.

How could somebody with such a Slytherin brother be so Gryffindor-ish?"

"That would be Sirius," Reia muttered to herself, "The most Gryffindor-ish person in existence. Right behind James Potter, the Great and Mighty Head Boy of Hogwarts." She rolled her eyes to herself. "They're so immature."

But she brushed the thoughts away as she approached Salazar Slytherin's portrait.

"Slytherin's Snakes," She told the Portrait, which slid open.

"Welcome back, Miss Lupin," Salazar Slytherin said monotonously.

"Thank you," Reia said before she quickly strode into the Common Room.

The Portrait shut behind her, and she strode towards the Girl's Dormitories, to grab her textbook for studying later (They'd gotten a new Potions Assignment, so she needed to study for it), but was stopped by somebody tapping on her shoulder.

Reia turned around and found Josie standing there.

"What do you need?" Reia asked snappily.

Josie's eyes welled up a little, "Look, Reia—you've not been talking to me—,"

"Yeah, well," Reia scoffed, "I'm not welcome by you."

"But...I've been really lonely," Josie said quietly, "It's been really quiet in the dorm."

"I'd forgive you," Reia said, raising her brows, "But right now, I feel more welcome with Reg. And also, there is a problem with your...apology."

"What?" Josie cried desperately, "What's wrong with my apology? I need you around, Reia! It's so lonely without you!"

Reia gave Josie a cold smile, "There are many problems with your apology. Firstly, you don't mean it."

"But how—how can you say that?" Josie said indignantly, "I—,"

"I know that, Josie Nott, because you didn't even say sorry." Reia said in a dangerously soft voice, before she turned and strode up the stairs to the Girls Dormitories, leaving Josie Nott gaping and staring after her.

Strangely, Reia felt no regret.

Even though it may have been a bit mean to leave Josie like that.

But there was no rule that said Josie had to welcome her, or that Reia had to forever adore Josie.

If Josie 'needed' Reia, then Josie would show it.

Words meant nothing if they were full of empty promises.

Author's Note:

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