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Disclaimer: The Harry Potter World belongs to J.K. Rowling.



Reia sighed as she watched Josie shut the compartment door and hurry off down the train in the direction of the toilets.

"Do you think she'll be okay?" Reia asked softly as she turned her gaze to Regulus.

"Yeah," Regulus replied, "She always will be. She...she's afraid, but she's not cowardly. Josie Nott is a very strong person."

"I know," Reia said with a nod, sighing again.

Their short exchange hung in the air, the silence suddenly awkward as neither of the Slytherins knew what to say to the other.

"Rei, look—I know I've apologised a lot of times now—but this is who I am now," Regulus said at last, exhaling, "I'm one of them. And I can't change that."

Reia nodded, "I know you can't. And it's okay."

Regulus shook his head, "It's not okay, Reia. But there's nothing I can do about it—so it'll have to be okay."


"Okay, okay, fine!" Reia groaned when Regulus shoved the oddly coloured Bertie Bott's Every Flavour Bean into her hand.

The solemn mood had evaporated over the past hour, and the mood in the compartment had lightened. Josie still hadn't returned, but it hadn't been all that long, and Reia assumed that she was with Fagan Nott, Josie's older brother.

They were now 'enjoying' (Well, only Regulus was enjoying it, since he was the only one who didn't mind eating jellybeans that tasted absolutely revolting) a pack of Bertie Bott's Every Flavour Beans that they'd purchased from the Trolley Witch—though Reia thought it was just more of Regulus enjoying watching Reia suffer.

The beans tasted disgusting, and Reia had no idea how her friend could possibly eat so many, so indifferently.

"It's not that bad, Rei," Regulus said exasperatedly, though his grey eyes were sparkling as he casually, mockingly, reached for another bean from the packet and popped it into his mouth, chewing extra slowly just to annoy Reia.

And it was working.

It was working, and Regulus knew it.

But it didn't help that his grey eyes were so...pretty, and his face was so—so—perfect in such a frustrating way!

"Who knew," Regulus said teasingly, "that the fearless Reia Lupin would be afraid of a couple of jellybeans—,"

Reia growled, "I'm not fearless—I'm not a Gryffindor. And over the Summer, I've learned to embrace that fact proudly."

"Good on you, Reia," Regulus said with a smile, "Well—since you know all about the..." He hesitated, swallowing, "...events of my Summer—would you like to tell me all about what happened during your Summer?"

Reia shrugged, "Sure. My brother taught me how to cast a Patronus Charm."

Remus' eyes widened, "Whoa, really? Isn't that like...super extension Seventh Year work?"

"Yeah," Reia said, "But my brother knew how to cast one, and so he taught me."

"What is it? Your Patronus?" Regulus asked, sounding awed.

"It's an owl."


"Barn owl," Reia said with a smile, "It's rather cute—and pretty cool."

There was a moment of silence between them.

"What...happy memory did you use?" Regulus asked, finally breaking the silence.

Reia sighed, "It was a memory we all shared together before our First Year, during our first time on the Hogwart's Express." She smiled a little, wistfully, as she continued, "Reg, you were with your brother, and we were sitting with James Potter and my brother and Peter Pettigrew and Sirius—and there was no rivalry between us. There were no lines separating us, no Houses splitting us into two. We were sitting right beside our older siblings—you and Sirius were still very close, and we were all bonding. We were all friends."

Reia swallowed, the memory so surreal now. She didn't know how it was possible that Slytherins and Gryffindors were once so friendly with each other.

Before they were split by Hogwarts Houses.

She supposed that James, Peter, Sirius and Remus had all assumed that Regulus and Reia would both end up in Gryffindor just like their older siblings.

But despite this, Reia regretted nothing. She liked being in Slytherin, and she knew that she wouldn't belong in any other House.

"We were all so happy together. And it was the happiest memory I had—when none of us had been split by Hogwarts Houses yet, when none of us knew what was ahead of us and we were just curious First Years."

Reia exhaled, "Before we were separated. And...I know it's not possible for us to return to that. It's not possible for such massive cracks to just be glued together overnight. But...when I think back to those times, it makes me feel happy. It makes me feel content, that we were not always like this. That we were once...one."

Reia swallowed, before continuing, "It makes me feel happy that we were not born like this. That we had no control in what was going to happen—and that we were once happy, carrying no weight on our shoulders. Carrying nothing more than the anxiety of going to the magical Wizarding school of Hogwarts."

She shared a smile with Regulus, and said, "But I don't regret it, you know."

"What?" Regulus asked.

"I don't regret getting into Slytherin. I don't regret becoming who I am."

"I'm glad, Rei. I'm glad you don't regret that," Regulus said with a smile.

After a long moment of quietness, Regulus let out a laugh.

"What is it?" Reia asked, narrowing her eyes at her friend playfully, "Think it's funny, do you?"

"No," Regulus said with a shake of his head, his shoulders still shaking with silent laughter, "But—," He pointed to Reia's closed fist, "—are you going to eat the jellybean? Because I'm pretty sure the poor thing is in pain right now, stuck in your fist like that."

Reia unclenched her fist and let out a breathy laugh as she popped the jellybean into her mouth with a rush of sudden bravery.

Little did she know, she would regret that reckless choice forever.

Because as she chewed the jellybean, she realised that it was vomit flavoured.

Gagging and choking, she spat the bean out and set it on fire with an angrily yelled, 'Incendio'.

And all the while, Regulus Black was laughing—

Well, he stopped once Reia threateningly turned to him, pointed her wand at his face, and snapped, "Oh, I know I say I don't regret it, but you're going to regret ever making me eat that thing if you keep on laughing at me!"

Author's Note:

Thanks so much for reading this chapter! If you liked it, do vote and comment to let me know <3

Some questions for you guys:

1. What colour represents this chapter best, in your opinion?

2. What do you think Regulus' Patronus should be?

As always, leave your answers in the comments below if you have a spare moment, I'd really appreciate it!

Thanks <3

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