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Disclaimer: The Harry Potter World belongs to J.K. Rowling.



Caelum had found that he loved playing Quidditch.

All throughout his Hogwarts years, he'd been known as a gentle and kind person—which he hoped he was, and tried to be (gentle and kind) to everyone.

But he was known as the most ferocious Beater the Hufflepuff team had ever seen ever since he made it onto the team, despite his calm nature, after he'd found the courage to try out.

He'd found excitement in playing Quidditch, and he'd loved it. He'd felt comfortable in the air, the wind in his hair.

But now, standing in Charlie Weasley's little house, watching dragons roam about right outside the window, he noted that the way dragons fly was completely different to how Quidditch players flew.

Charlie Weasley was slipping on his boots where he was sitting on a stool right next to Caelum, and he asked, "What made you want to come here, anyway? I'd have thought you'd have wanted to work in the Ministry."

Caelum shrugged, "I might go back. I just want to try new things for the next few years before I stick myself in an office for the rest of my life."

Caelum had never met Charlie Weasley before a few days ago, after he'd expressed an interest in dragons a few months back. His dad had found a way to contact Mrs. Weasley to find Charlie and send Caelum over here.

So far, he seemed to be a pretty exciting, energetic character, his personality almost a cross between George and Ginny, possessing the signature Weasley red hair.

After graduating Hogwarts, Ernie had gone and found a job at the other side of the country, and they hadn't seen each other in almost a year.

Their relationship had been left at that, both of them agreeing that they had loved their time together and that their friendship (and brief romance) had been very happy for the both of them.

They'd decided to leave their relationship at a friendship at this point, but promised to keep in touch. And they had, because they'd written to each other several times, but they hadn't met up since graduating Hogwarts.

"Did you not want to stay with your family?" Charlie asked, pulling his laces tight and tying them securely, "It's pretty far from home here."

"I guess," Caelum said, shrugging, "But I thought it'd be fun to try this. Although the dragons seem a little bit scary now that I think about it."

"Well, you're here," Charlie grinned, "It'd be a waste to just go back. Besides, I'll start you off on the nicer ones."

"It'll be fine, right?" Caelum asked, after a long moment of silent consideration/panic.

"You won't lose toomany fingers." Charlie paused, tilting his head in thought, smirking a bit, "Hopefully."


Regulus Black loved his family.

Sitting with his children, most of them with their own children, now, at the dinner table, Christmas decorations hanging around the house, courtesy of Harry Potter's children, he couldn't help but be so incredibly happy.

Grimmauld Place, which had always been a dark, sad place, had never been brighter—and noisier. Even though Regulus usually lived here, spending most of his time working at the Ministry, this house felt different on this particular day.

For one, he'd never thought that Theodore Nott would ever step foot in this house again, but here he was, cradling his son, Eros, while Ariel sat beside him, spoon-feeding the baby boy her husband held.

"Grandpa!" Lily Sirius Black, Atlas' daughter, exclaimed, climbing onto Regulus' lap, her mother, Hannah, watching with a bright smile.

"Hello, Lily," He said to the small girl as she giggled, "Did you eat some pudding already?"

"A little bit," She said, rubbing her tummy, appearing to be deep in thought, "Although I wouldn't mind a bit more."

"She's already had too much," Ruby, Lily's older sister by three years, said, crossing her arms from where she sat a few seats away, "Can't get enough of it, I think."

Regulus laughed as Lily caught sight of her dad eating some of the said pudding and running over to him, grabbing at his sleeves and begging for a bite.

Regulus watched with amusement as Atlas couldn't resist, eventually caving and giving the bowl of sweetness to his youngest daughter, despite Hannah's disapproving reprimands.

Archie was playing with Venus, Ariel's daughter, who was running around the room, laughing, while her uncle pulled silly faces.

Archie had become a Quidditich Player, and he hadn't married, although he wasn't any less happy that way. He loved his job, and always said that his nieces and nephew were more than enough for him at this point in time.

Caelum was chatting with Harry and Ernie, while the Weasley children sat with Hermione in a circle on the carpeted floor, playing some sort of 'pass-the-parcel' game.

Caelum spent more time in Romania now than he did at home. Ernie had since joined him, after working at the Ministry for a few years and finding it a bit dull.

Regulus thought that it would be good for Caelum, to have a friend, and spend more time with Ernie—a boy whom Caelum obviously loved very much.

Their entire family was very supportive towards it all, and Caelum and Ernie were more than happy with each other, which was all that mattered.

It had been several Christmases since Regulus had spent one with his wife.

He remembered those days; the quiet evenings eating dinner together, talking about nothing in particular. The gentle kisses and hugs, the laughter. Remembering it all made him sad and happy at the same time.

It had been years, and yet it felt like Reia had only been here yesterday. He refused to let her memory fade from his mind—and he'd tell stories of her to his grandchildren, who would listen, enthralled.

If she saw their family now, she'd be so purely happy, and hopefully proud, of how far they'd come since the war.

Regulus missed her.

He'd loved her so much, and he would never stop.

He would never forget her. He didn't think any of them would. 


anddddddddd that's the last one ! hope you all enjoyed this book, it's been a journey !

(i lied there's another one lol)

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