Chapter Twenty

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20 - The Breakdown

After getting the okay from Charles the previous night, Kaitlyn was now standing outside of the hotel building waiting for a taxi.

     "Are you sure you don't want me to send one of our drivers with you. It's way better than a taxi." Charles said for the third time that morning. Truthfully he didn't really know anything about Kaitlyn, but there was something about the young woman that made her look so vulnerable - like he had to help her or she would fall apart.

She pushed a lock of hair behind her ear, smiling lightly. "I'm sure. Plus, I know you all have somewhere else to be within the next few hours. I would hate to inconvenience you."

Charles nodded, not really accepting her refusal. But he decided to let it go and gave her a hug. "If you ever need anything just give me a call." He waved as he walked away.

Dane walked up next, giving her a quick hug before pulling back. "I know we didn't really know each other that well, but you are a pretty cool chick. If you ever decide to head to LA sometime next year, I'll let you stay in one of my condos." He winked, "On the house."

She found herself rolling her eyes. "I'll make sure to remember that." She said as Dane stepped back to let Lee through.

Lee didn't pull her into a hug, or even shake her hand. He simply held out a thick, red book and handed it over to her. She recognized the book that he had always seemed to be reading wherever they went and frowned. "You're giving me your book?" She asked.

Lee shrugged. "I was done with it. Might as well give it to someone else."

Dane snorted. "Done with it? You've read that book like a thousand times. Now you're just giving it up?" He asked in disbelief.

   "I figured it wasn't doing me any good anymore. Might as well give it to someone who will appreciate it."

Kaitlyn held the book close to her chest, "Thank you." She whispered.

Lee smiled. "No problem. And take care." He waved as Thomas came barreling towards her.

He immediately pulled her into a hug before pulling back. "I know I can't give or say anything that will upstage Lee's poetic garbage, but I'll miss you Kaitlyn." He sniffled a little, "Even though you're leaving you're still my best friend, so you better make sure to text me." He went on, "And expect a FaceTime everyday." He hugged her tighter.

She hugged him back. "I will." She promised. He nodded.

     "And don't forget to add me on twitter, snapchat, and Instagram." He threw in.

She pulled back frowning. "What?"

He wiped his nose with his hand. "What? I'm struggling. I need all the followers I can get." He said honestly. She pinched his arm and he jumped back in pain. She couldn't stop herself from smiling; although, when she turned to the man leaning against the side of the hotel her smile instantly vanished.

She waited and waited for Jack to say something, anything, but he didn't.

The taxi pulled up a few moments later and Dane helped her get into the car. She shut the door and glanced back out the window. Everyone was waving goodbye, while Thomas was holding on to the side of the taxi with a death grip. The driver had refused to start driving until someone had pulled Thomas off of his taxi. When Thomas was finally off, the driver started the engine.

Kaitlyn turned her gaze back in the direction Jack had been standing to realize he had already left.

She sank down into her seat. She reached over to grab her phone when she noticed Lee's book sitting on top of it. She picked up the thick book and sat it down on her lap, trying to decide what to do with it. It wasn't like she would actually read it. She had never been much of a reader anyways, but she couldn't just get rid of it. It was a gift.

She let out a sigh before flipping the book over. It took a few seconds until her eyes landed on the title. Loneliness is a Choice.

She grabbed the edge of the book cover and flipped the book open. She scanned the first few pages growing bored until she turned to page seven and her breath caught. Down at the bottom of the page was one line highlighted.

"Loneliness and the feeling of being unwanted is the most terrible poverty."

But that wasn't what made her stop breathing. It was the five little words written under that line in pencil that made her break down.

     Kaitlyn, you are not unwanted.
                                                 - Lee

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