EDITED:meeting the ruler

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Sakura POV

we all ran for 8 hours taking a few breaks till we reached the sound village, it was deserted.

'That's odd, isnt this supposed to be the sound village?'

you could hear a pin drop, there were very few stores open and the whole place made me shiver and cringe mentally.

This place looks haunted at I wonder what sort of psycho is the ruler of this place

Who are you?

I'm your inner

What but I gave you up years ago!! Your back I can't believe it!!

Tch you never got rid of me I was always here just watching quietly muahahaha

Sweat dropped

Ummm okay so why have you come back

Im just here to tell you to be on guard after you enter this village something bad will happen and it could have a good turnout or a bad turnout.

Wait. What do you mean?

It's a secret between me and author chan hehehe.

Umm okay

Now concentrate everyone's looking at you!

Sakura snapped back to reality as she saw the worried faces of her team mates and sensei

"Sakura chan are you ok?" naruto asked

"yeah I'm okay it's just that this place creeps me out."

"can't blame you there it's like nobody lives here." Naruto said

They all walked forward entering Sound as soon as they passed the gates they were astonished to see all the people there

"what in the holy name of ramen !!!!" Naruto yelled

Every other member just stood there mouths to the floor

"A genjutsu kakashi sensei??"

"hmm yes it looks like it probably put there for security reasons now there's no time to waste let's go see the leader imediately and identify who and what we are dealing with." Kakashi ordered

"HAI!!!!" Team 7 yelled

Normal POV

Team 7 ran to the leaders whereabouts and before they could enter they were tackled head on by a group of no less than 100 men all wearing the sound forehead protector.

After 5 minutes of tumbling around it wasn't evident who won because the door suddenly swung open revealing the leader Sakura guessed.

His face was covered by a veil and he wore black clothes but you could tell he was muscular and toned.

No! My weakness, abs!!!!

Ohhh yeah! Let's get some action!


Back in reality whilst Sakura cursed her inner..

"what's going on here Ritsu?!"

His voice dropped with authority annoyance and power.

"L.... l....leader San we simply saw these Intruders and thought they were suspicious and dangerous so we apprehended them so no harm could be done to the village."

"but I informed all guards that we would get some visitors from konoha Didnt I?"

"Y Yes! Sir"

" we will talk later now for the rest of your men go back to your posts"

" HAI!!"

And they proofed away leaving team 7 confused for a minute

Kakashi stood up and greeted the leader

"Kakashi Hatake and my team from konoha."

" yes I have heard many things about you I am the leader of Sound you can stay in our hotels and freshen up then we can talk. "

Everyone just nodded happy to have a chance to change clothes and bathe and one of them just wanted to have ramen but you can guess who that is.

To Sasuke

Hmm so they have finally arrived great now my plan can finally take place look out


I'm coming for you.

Sorry for the shortest part ever but I hope you enjoyed

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