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"lesson number one

Uchiha matriarchs do not slouch or look down at people, they are the perfect woman and envy of all"

With that the women around the room forced Sakura up and made her walk, prodding at her body to make sure it was correct and uniform to what the first lesson was.

Earlier on Sakura was very surprised over the fact that Sasuke hasn't woken her up to deliver a 'punishment'- he wasn't there at all really. But that didn't deter Sakura in the slightest

She just has to wait for an opening, she had reminded herself constantly not losing hope.

The teachers had come in they were all women and had bathed Sakura, scrubbed everywhere dampened her skin with natural scents eventhough she already smelt like cherries due to the shampoo.

They lathered special milk on her body and hair, brushed her waist length pink hair, brushed and whitened her teeth and dressed her in a kimono with the uchiha crest on the back.

Sakura squirmed uncomfortably during this but knew that these women were doing their duty and had been commanded by sasuke...


She was currently battling sleep as the mentor droned on about posture, grace and ettiquete.

After half an hour they tested Sakura on how to act, what to do and how to present herself- she passed obviously with flying colors but she felt that she had lost something inside her...

Sasuke POV

It's true i did not touch Sakura last night , I feel like if I'm around her too much, it makes me feel weird.  But I have priorities, I cant be acting like a lovesick child.

Besides Narutos weak If I have Sakura with me he is totally helpless, then after taking konoha we can conquer the other 5 great nation's and then no one will be a letter to defeat the uchihas just like it was supposed to be when I was a child.

( sorry but in this fanfic Sasuke can beat Naruto up but that's to help the storyline - Naruto isn't going to die....maybe .......ehhh)

Sakuras taking lessons about becoming the matriach of the uchiha which is an imense honour. Using my sharingan I know she passed, she was always very well mannered in team 7 and had great ettiquete.

The attack happens in a few months time to be precise a three months after mine and sakuras marriage and honeymoon.

I must introduce Madara, obito and Sakura formally and not as enemies on the battlefield. Sakura can't really rebel due to the bracelets which had been gifted to me by madara who rightfully  reckoned it could come in handy

I am so glad I got rid of that snake- orochimaru/ he was useless to me when he was ill and was trying to take my body after becoming unsuccessful with my brother Itachi.

The thought of an Itachi looking orochimaru just makes me want to puke.

Oh God no.

Besides Itachi is dead and now I have found out the truth. Konoha will pay for it's Injustice especially danzou when I find that bastard I'm going to

"Lord otokage!"


"Lord danzou of the hidden leaf is approaching"


(Word count 617 including this sentence hehehehe)

(And this one)

(And this one)

(And this one)

(Not including this one though)

SASUSAKU.  king uchiha and queen harunoWhere stories live. Discover now