dinner continued

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Sorry it took so long

Sasuke abruptly slammed his cup of sake down

Sakuras mango slice slipped off of her fork.

Madara was choking.

Obito just pulled an innocent looking face as if he hadn't asked what he did.

"E...excuse me?" Sakura inquired, not sure she had heard that right

"You heard me" obito said,"or did my little cousin hear wuss out?"

Madara smirked

"It's none of your business obito" Sasuke cooly rejected

"Neeh... Come on Sasuke,let me guess ... Your large katanna and susanoo compensating for a few inches?"

Sakura almost fell out of her chair if it wasn't for the fact her elbows were on the table

Madara audibly laughed

Sasuke....Sasuke was ready to throttle obito and beat the crap outta him.

"Sooooo... Sakura.... If you ever need to talk to someone come to me... Or if you ever get bored of my little, immature and much more inexperienced in romancing a woman.... My door is open"

A nano second after obito said that , Sasuke threw a large sharp knife at obitis head which was rapidly intercepted by obito as he caught it within his two fingers

"Now now Sasuke, calm down, obito is just teasing you" Madara chastised

Sasuke growled as he possessively put an arm around sakuras waist.

"Don't get all primitive on me uchiha!" Sakura said as she removed sasukes arm

"Cockblocked once again little cousin!!" Obito whooped

Sasukes hand itched for his kunai yet he knew better then to cause a scene in which would cause Madara to later rebuke him after sakuras departure.

He settled his palm on sakuras leg under the table which resolutely caused Sakura to stiffen but didn't act upon it.

'if he tries anything funny ,I swear to kami I'm going to rip him a new one's she thought as she reached for another mango slice.

To be continued


"Obito quit antagonising Sasuke" Madara ordered.

"Hai hai"

Sasuke kept eating his food yet his aura seemed much more irritable , volatile, mercurial and voilent , this did not go unnoticed by those whom were seated at the table who moved slightly away from him due to the aura he projected.

After a few moments of silent eating, a comfortable silence was imposed, one in which Sakura didn't mind, as long as she didn't have to deal with obitis consistent questions about her sex life.


"So sakura"

Sakura looked up

"Wanna play a game"

"What kind of game?" She snapped

"What do you mean what kind of game. A fun one of course..........

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