Chapter 28

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Sorry about the long wake-up i had a few issues with my phone so right now I'm using a tablet and then there were issues with the app so I'm really sorry it took forever.

"Uchiha Sasuke and uchiha obito! QUIT PMSING like bitches!

Firstly Sasuke, just because you have a 12 pack doesn't mean anything to me!!!(yh right) because your face looks like it caught fire and someone tried to put it out with a knife and fork! Seriously out of 100,000 sperm you were the fastest - that must be the biggest scam I've ever heard of! I haven't seen you for 3 years and so you kidnap me and say I have to mary you? That is the biggest bullshit i have ever heard of.Marriage at a hotel is more appealing than you, what are you anyway? You look like a joint between a mutilated chimpanzee and a fart.

and secondly uchiha obito 2 wrongs don't make a right,ask your parents.And btw the only thing that gets aroused when I'm near you is my middle finger! Being a dick won't make yours any bigger not matter how hard you try! The only thing that's actually positive about you is your goddam hiv result.

And lastly uchiha madara, with a face like yours is rather be blind, look at you, acting all high and mighty as if your above everyone else in this room, why don't you slip into something more comfortable like a coma!? Just a suggestion. I understand that you want to make amends by learning from your mistakes but you should ask your parents for advice - they'd know all about it after all they had you, and I can justifiably state that your entire family tree is a cactus because everyone is a prick! "

Sakura ranted , her face had heated up-and-coming glowing red as everyone in the room stood frozen- a ball of tumbleweed rolls by as a gush of wind flows by.

'oh shit!' sakura thought as her adrenaline levels slowly came to a decline.

"I've been called worse, any thing else you want to get off your chest little kings kunoichi?" madara simply stated casually , breaking the awkward and very tense silence as he began slurping loudly and rather obnoxiously on his wine cup.

'I'm screwed'

"Oh would you look at the time goodbye!!!!" Sakura said as she takes a yawn and bolted immediately for the exit with a trail of wind behind her.

"Do remain seated my dear it's not even late yet!?" madara said in sakura ear as he suddenly appeared on her right just before she had reached for the door handle.

sakura mechanically turned her face to the right, looking at madara with a smile on his face which turned into a fake sincere smile. Purple lines appeared on her forehead as a dark ages emitted from him.


"Oh I was just admiring the..... The... View!"

" The view of what? "

"The bathroom!!" Sakura immediately retorted.

' Oh fuck me!'

"The restroom?"

" ...yes, well everything s seems in order so the ... Crisis has been averted and we ... Can return to our seats? "

"Oh well that's very reassuring to hear" madara replied holding off a laugh by biting the inside of his cheek.

SASUSAKU.  king uchiha and queen harunoHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin