Why Am I Here

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Uma couldn't make it to my departure. I understand why. She would have killed the limo driver if it means I get to stay. So Gil and I were placing our bags in the trunk. He went over to Gaston while I made my way over to Dr. Facilier and Aunt Yzma.

Aunt Yzma had her hands over her mouth. She let out a teary chuckle before she hugged me. "My little Frosty," She cried.

Doc rolled his eyes. "Relax, she's an island away." He pulled me away from her and wrapped one his arms around my shoulders. "Hope this place does good for you. At least it gets you away from the pirate."

I heard a little chuckle behind us and turned to see Harry with a smug grin. "Think again," He said as he went over to the limo and dropped his bags. I smiled. "Guess who got an invitation after all?"

I let out a little laugh and ran over. I quickly wrapped my arms around Harry as he picked me up. He's really coming with us. I can't believe it.

"You're not joking, are you?" I asked.

He gave me his lopsided smile. "Dear ol' dad handed it to me this mornin.' Had my answer already."

I heard Doc groan. "This is terrible."

Harry smirked at him as he pulled me close to him. "Isn't it?"

Doc held his hand up and black tendrils started to form. "Watch it, boy."

Aunt Yzma chuckled as she lowered his arm. "Give it a rest, Facilier. What harm could Harry do? He'll protect our Snowflake." She raised her eyebrow at me. "Who promise to call everyday?"

I shook my head. "No promises made."

"That's my girl."

We heard the horn blaring. I guess it's time for us to go. Aunt Yzma started to cry before she pulled me into a hug again. Doc sighed in annoyance before he pulled her away. He gave me a small smile before we wrapped one of his arms around me. He won't admit it, underworld, he won't say it. Doesn't mean I will.

"I'll miss you," I mumbled before I pulled away.

I walked over and grabbed Harry's hand before we went over to the limo. We slid in the backseat with Gil following. His eyes beamed at the candy.

"Woah," He breathed before he reached over and grabbed a handful. The driver took off as Gil began munching on this weird chocolate looking thing. He moaned in delite. "I never knew how much I love nugget."

Harry rolled his eyes as he placed his arm over my shoulders. "Really?"

Gil nodded before he reached over and grabbed another handful before shoving it in front of Harry. "Try some."

Harry gave him an annoyed look before he reached over and grabbed one. He quickly placed the treat in his mouth. His eyes were like flying saucers and he grabbed more.

"I guess you like it," I laughed.

The guys started pigging out. I shook my head at them before looking out the window. I told Ben and them to not give me an invitation unless it's necessary. It hasn't even been a month and I'm already summoned.

"Check it out," Gil said as he pointed straight ahead. "We're near the edge."

Harry and I followed his gaze and indeed we were. I furrowed my eyebrows when the driver didn't stop. We're almost near the broken bridge. Where's the other half?

I banged on his window. "Ok, where's this special bridge?" The driver ignored me, making me bang on it harder. "Hey!"

He still ignored me. Harry, Gil, and I exchanged worried glances. Is this an invitation or is Ben sending us to our deaths? The road was disappearing. The driver actually drove off.

I grabbed on to Harry with one arm while the other gripped the seat. The guys and I started to scream when the limo was over the edge. I expected this huge plummet, but nothing came...except this bright light. We all stopped and looked out to this golden bridge that connected to the Isle and Auradon.

I sighed in relief before I took my hand off Harry. "Next time, I'm flying us there."


Auradon is just how I remember it. All sunshine and rainbows. People wearing really bright colors and dresses. I looked out the window when the school was coming to view. I rolled my eyes when I see all those news reporters in the front before I look at Harry.

"You better not get a big head out of this," I whispered to him.

He looked down at me and smirked. "Not my fault they want to capture my glorious face."

I looked at Gil to see him take in the place. His eyes were full of awe as his mouth hung open. He reminds me of a little kid when he makes his first successful steal. The limo driver made his way over to us and opened the door. I furrowed my eyebrows when a flock of doves flew in front as Harry, Gil, and I climbed out. Then there were a few trumpets playing, wow Ben went all out.

I had to cover my eyes as they were blinded by a flash. A few of the Isle kids kept waving as they climbed out of the other limo. But when the reporters tried to get to me I glared at them and held my hand up.

"Get that thing out of my face!" I yelled.

I heard Harry chuckle before he lowered my hand and kissed the side of my head. "Don't worry ye pretty little head." He looked towards the camera's and held one arm out. "Harry's finally here!"

The reporters got close to his face. I looked towards Gil and he was talking to this one guy. I sighed before I smiled when my eyes saw purple and blue. I practically ran over to them.

"Mal! Evie!" I greeted happily.

Evie ran over and pulled me into a bone crushing hug. "MJ!"

We laughed as we held on tight. I let go of her and hugged Mal. "It's good to see you, MJ."

I pulled back. "Not that I'm happy to be here and all, but I thought we'd agreed to not invite me unless it's necessary."

Evie nodded. "This is necessary. After you left, I asked Ben if I could look into your file -"

A file? "I have a file?"

Mal chuckled at my confusion. "Ben's dad had a file of you when you were little."

"Because that's not creepy at all."

She shrugged. "He keeps a file on every AKs."

Evie waved her off. "I know you said your Grandpa Fergus send you to the Isle, but when I spoke to him he said you were suppose to live with Beast."

I don't see where's she getting at. "The point, Evie."

"MJ, it wasn't an accident. Someone really wanted you to live on the Isle."


She sighed. "So, we want to know who and why they would do this to you?"

She does have a point. Who would want to send me to the Isle? What have I ever done to them? Well, at least we could find out now.

I nodded. "Show me to my room."

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