Son of a...How?

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Ok, this is it. The plan setting in motion. We gathered around in a circle outside of base camp. Grandpa Fergus was staring at the ground. He looked up and nodded towards Gabriel. I was confused. What was he looking at. Mal and I exchanged confused glances as Gabriel rubbed his hands together.

"All right, if anyone of you guys decide to be wimps and back out now is the time to do so," he said. "They won't judge you, but I will."

I sighed as I see Aurox roll his eyes. He did put up with his end of the agreement and hasn't made one snarky comment. Though the glare he keeps giving Gabriel is hysterical.

Xander motioned his hand towards the ground. "Yeah, yeah. Get on with it."

Gabriel glared at him before he placed his hands on the ground. My mouth flew open when he ripped the ground apart to reveal a secret tunnel. We're going through that?

Grandpa looked at all of us. "Ye guys are risking yer life for us. I couldn't be more thankful."

"You are important to MJ," Evie stated happily. "Any one important to her is important to us. Even Harry."

"Until ye leave me in ditch," Harry said as he adjusted his hat. "Let's just get this over with."

Grandpa nodded before going down the tunnel. One by one we all followed him. Once we were all in, Xander pulled out a lit torch from his bag. What does he have in there? And how did he not burn himself? Grandpa grabbed the torch and started walking down the long tunnel.

"Ok, ye all know what to do?" He asked. We all nodded, even though he couldn't see us. "Great. Remember, we're meeting in the thrown room. We have an hour to get there. If ye see any guards, don't be afraid to knock them out."

"Or kill them," Gabriel piped up.

"Was that comment really necessary?" Xander scolded him. "And why aren't you wearing a shirt? It's like 53 degrees down here."

Gabriel didn't look at him. "Getting cold is for the weak."

"Ok, then don't blame me if you get sick."

Harry rolled his eyes. "And don't blame me when I hook the both of ye."

I grabbed Harry's hand as we made our way deeper into the tunnels. "How do you guys know that Sonny is going to be there?"

"We have an insider," Grandpa informed us. "Every afternoon, Sonny likes to create new laws. Just another way to make our people miserable."

"Isn't that dangerous?" Ben asked. "What if he gets caught?"

Good point. What if Sonny was on to him from the beginning?

"Aaron knew the risk," Xander piped up. "We wouldn't have asked him. He wanted to do this. And trust me, when it comes to being unseen, he knows what he's doing. He is Quasimodo's kid after all."


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