The End

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I brought my hand down to create a sword before I slashed it across the guard's neck. Then I spun around and shot another ice spike at more guards. Left and right, they kept coming. Tim shrunk back to his original size, but transformed into a purple rhino. He rammed a few guards until his horn pierced their chest. That's going to leave a mark. I furrowed my brow when he started to dance. Guess that's another reason why they called him Mad Man Tim.

I looked up to see Anna fighting with Elsa. Wait, how did that happen? Elsa wasn't trying to harm her sister, but Anna kept swinging her sword.

"MJ!" I heard Uma yell behind me.

I held up the staff in time to block a sword. This time the sword belong to Sonny.

"Why won't you just die and get it over with?" She sneered before she swung again.

I ducked before using the hook end of the staff to bring her forward. I swung my fist and got it to collide with her chin.

"Like you said. I'm a villain, we don't like losing," I responded.

Sonny and I kept going back and forth with our weapons. Her sword would collide with my staff. Clicking and clanking around the field. I tried to fire another ice beam at her, but she rolled out of the way before it could hit her. She kicked her foot out to hit my shin before she used her other foot to kick the back of my knee. I fell back. I was about to get up, but Sonny was quick and came over. She grabbed the back of my head and pulled me halfway.

"See this," she said near my ear. I looked around the field to see guards falling, villagers getting killed. Mal and Evie fought side by side. Carlos butted a soldier in the back of the head before Ben elbowed him. A soldier sliced one of the villagers in half. "All these people are dying because of you. Haven't you caused enough trouble as it is?"

I moved a bit, but Sonny tugged my hair back. I found Gabriel and Xander not that far away from me. Xander was actually defending himself with an umbrella. He was blocking each guard's attack before he kicked the sword out of his hand and caught it. Xander plunged the sword in the guy's throat. Gabriel raise his hand as green mist formed around it. A few deer came out of the woods and charged at the soldiers, knocking them out of the way.

"How many people are going to die because of your crazy crusade, huh? You already lost Aaron. Your grandpa. Your pathetic parents." With her sword she motioned towards them. "What about those two? They lost everything because of you. They lost their parents. They've suffered enough." A guards was coming from behind Gabriel. "How much pain can one person take?"

My eyes widen. Not Gabriel. He's been Grandpa Fergus's loyal companion since...who knows how long. I grit my teeth together and brought my elbow back. I heard a satisfying crunch when it collided with Sonny's nose. I got up immediately and ran towards them. Everything seemed to be going in slow motion as I raised my hand, mist began to form.

"Gabriel!" I shouted.

Xander looked towards me and found the guard. He dropped the sword and pushed Gabriel out of the way, only for him to gasp.


Gabriel fell on the ground and turned back, eyes wide as he spotted the sword sticking our of Xander's chest. The mist finally shot out and froze the guard to the ground. Gabriel had so much anger, so much hatred in his eyes. He got up and sliced his sword diagonally, killing the guard. The guard dropped on the ground. Xander pulled the sword out before he collapsed on his knees and started to fall back. Gabriel caught him in time as I finally made it to them.

Xander started panting. "Oh, Zeus. Oh, Zeus. Oh, Zeus."

Gabriel started shushing him. "Hey, hey, buddy. Stay with me. Stay with me."

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