Maybe You're Not Such A Jerk

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I woke up a few hours early. I couldn't sleep. Not after the nightmare I had. How could I? I was alone in the woods hearing my name being called. It was Harry's voice and I ran towards it. I found him in a clearing. He didn't smile. He didn't look happy to see me. He was scared. He was scared of me. He kept shaking his head as I stalked towards him. I felt my eyes change to their white color as I extended my hand. Ice consumed my arm as it formed a blade. I brought it up and shoved it in Harry's chest. That's when I woke up.

I never had a dream like that. It felt so real. I mean, yes, I did hurt people. I enjoyed it. Not when it comes to Harry. I don't know what's going on with me. I could feel my power grow each and everyday. But whenever I'm with Harry, I feel like I might lose control. I turned to my side to see his sleeping figure. He looked so peaceful. His hair was over his eye. I reached up and pushed it back. He didn't move. He must be really tired. I placed my hand on his cheek. My thumb moved across his lower lip. My chest started to beat fast again. What does Harry see in me?

I slowly sat up before getting out of bed. I grabbed my shoes and made my way out. I need to think. Grandpa's plan....I don't like it. Whenever there's a plan something always goes wrong. I hope he's thinking about every possibility. Like what if the tunnels aren't there? What if it's made up? What if there are traps? What if they trapped us?

I'm glad Grandpa Fergus gave us a small tour or else I would have been lost. I went towards the elevators and hit the highest level. I waited patiently as I ascended the elevator and made my way outside. What I do like about this place is that it's camouflaged to look like one of the mountains. I made my way towards the balcony. Well, I was until I saw a figure leaning up against the ledge. I got closer until the figure turned around and shot an arrow at me. I quickly raised my hand to freeze it before it could hit me.

"Hey, it's just me," I told Aurox. He didn't say anything as he lowered his bow. "Couldn't sleep either."

"You could say something like that," he responded before sitting on the ledge again. I sat down on the other side. "Crocodile Bait wet the sheets or something?"

I glared at him. "One, his name is Harry. Two, you better watch your tone with me before I rip your tongue off." He's even grumpier when it's night. "And what's with the bow? This isn't the training room."

"Try telling that to the birds," he mumbled.

We sat in silence after that. There was something that bothered me from the moment we arrived here. I gave Aurox a curious glance.

"What was her name?" I asked.

He shook his head. "I have no -"

"You do. That fight you and Gabriel had. He mentioned someone before you almost punched him. Your old partner?"

"That's none of your business," he snapped. I raised my hands up in surrender. "You can cut the whole goody-goody act. I wasn't buying it for a second."

"Who said it was an act?"

"Right, a VK coming to school here without no motion. What? Did you wanted to see the birds and bees buzz around before you run away from them?"

I glared at him. "I was invited here. It wasn't like I had a choice anyway. Doc already agreed to it." I hope he regrets it when he finds out I'm here instead.

"And you had a choice to go back, but no, you decided to come here." He motioned towards the view. "To this invaded land where your birth parents were killed. Right when your Grandpa was about to go to war."

"Well, you didn't have to come either." I sighed in annoyance as I closed my eyes. "Look, the faster we get through this, the faster we get to go home. So, for now, let's put our differences aside until this war is over."

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