Prison Break

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Harry and I hid beside the wall of the castle. I looked around the corner to see if there were any guards. I nodded at Harry when the close was clear. We ran and slid towards the back entrance. The same one where the cooks and kitchen staff would use to escape. I move the bush out of the way before a small door appeared. I tried to open it, but it wouldn't budge. Harry gently pushed me aside before kicking the door down. He gave me a cocky smile, followed by a mock bow, before gesturing me to go first. I rolled my eyes, but couldn't hold the smile back. Someone's ego has gotten big.

We ran down the steps before following the torch lights. Ok, the kitchen is straight ahead. The cells are in the basement which is on the other side of the castle. Should be easy enough. We ran down the tunnels until we reached the kitchen door. I quietly open the door and was about to go out, but I heard footsteps and hid back in. Harry and I looked through the small cracks to see a few cooks.

"I hate that Queen," one of the kitchen staff said.

"Quick whining," the other one said. "At least you don't have to rub her feet before she eats."

The staff was about to grab the meat, but the first one stopped him. "Wait, didn't you just rub Sonny's feet?"

"Hers and Anna's."

"Aren't you going to wash your hands?"

The guy gave her a look. "No."

The lady nodded. "Good." Then she began hacking up before spitting into the meat, making me and Harry cringe. "Gives it flavor."

The guy smiled at her. "I knew I liked you for a reason." They started laughing before they left. When the close was clear, Harry and I got out.

"Good thing I don't eat here," he mumbled.

I nodded in agreement. We went through the corridor. A kept running until we were near the basement. I cursed under my breath when there were a few guards blocking the entrance. Of course there would be. I felt my eyes turn white before I pointed my finger towards the ground. The mist escaped my finger. It flew across the room, stopping in front of the guards. They looked confused. My eyes grew brighter and the mist crawled up inside their noses. The guards started to choke before ice started covering them. It started from their mouth before you see an icy blue going up their veins.   Their screams were muffled through the ice as the vein crawled inside their head. Their eyes rolled to the back of their heads before they collapsed.

Harry walked forward and kicked one of them for good measure. "Didn't know ye can do that."

I looked at my hands. "Neither did I."

He came over, smirk plastered on his face, and kissed me. "If we weren't saving yer friends -"

I playfully pushed him away before opening the door. "As much as you hate to admit it, they're your friends too."

"Does that get me another round?"

His question made me laugh. I just gave him a teasing smile before running inside. I looked through every cell, but they were empty. Then I saw the familiar purple hair pacing around in her prison.

"Mal," I whispered excitedly.

Her head snapped up. "MJ." We both started laughing as I hugged her through her cell. "It's about time.

"Yeah." I waved my hand to freeze the lock before it shattered. "Sorry."

Mal walked out. "Better late than never." Then she looked behind and noticed Harry. "I was wondering where you were." 

Mal showed us where everyone else was. We split up to get everyone out. Harry got Xander, Gabriel, Aurox. Mal got Ben, Carlos, and Evie. I went towards Grandpa's. But I couldn't find him anywhere. I ran up and down each cell, but he wasn't in any of them.

"Guys, where's Grandpa Fergus?" I asked.

"What?" Xander asked. "He's not here."

"Well, if he was then I wouldn't be asking, now would I?"

"Guys?" Aurox called out. He motioned for us to come forward while looking out the window. "You might want to see this."

We all rushed towards the window. It wasn't a clear view, but we could still see the courtyard. People were gathered around a stage as Sonny, Anna, and Elsa stood in the front. Jeffery as next to her as people whispered.

"I know what you all are thinking, what are we doing here?" Sonny started. "Why has your Queen summon everyone here?" She looked at Jeffery. "Bring the prisoner."

Jeffery smirked before he left. My eyes widen when I see him dragging Grandpa Fergus towards the stage. His face beaten, bruised. His wooden leg missing. Jeffery pushed him to the ground before pulling Grandpa halfway up by the back of his collar.

"Oh, my god," Evie breathed.

Sonny glared at Grandpa. "Some of you might recognize him as your old king. But today...he's a traitor. He's been conspiring to destroy this kingdom. The kingdom that I've build from the ground up." The crowd started whispering. "And for that...the traitor to the crown must die."

Grandpa glared up at her. "Traitor to the crown. Your mother is the traitor. That crown belongs to my granddaughter Merida Frost Jr!"

That's when the crowd got antsy. They began yelling at Sonny and Anna. Then Grandpa looked towards them and began singing this Scottish song. Soon enough the crowd began singing with him. Sonny looked around in confusion.

"What is that?" I asked.

"It's their song," Ben said.

"What?" The whole room asked.

"I've read about this. This is their national song. Whenever something goes down, or when the people lose hope, the King or Queen would sing this. It's more of a reassurance that everything is going to be ok. That they need to be strong."

"Silence!" Sonny yelled.

"You may be the rule this place. But you can never rule their hearts," Grandpa said. He looked at the people. "Long live Queen Merida!"

"Long live Queen Merida!" The people shouted.

"Long live MJ! Long live -"

Grandpa let out a small gasp. My eyes widen and I felt a hand cover my mouth to muffle my screams as a sword came out his chest. Grandpa started to choke on his blood before the sword was retreated. Jeffery held the sword up high before swinging it across Grandpa's head.

"No!" My screams muffled. Harry pulled me into his chest and covered my head as I kept on screaming. "I'm gong to kill her. I'm going to kill her!"

"We need to get out of here before they come for us next," Xander said. "And I don't feel like getting my head chopped off." Gabriel gave him a look. "Too soon?"

"Yeah," he said.

"Enough," Harry snapped. "I don't really fancy fighting more guards right now." He pulled away from me before grabbing my hand.

Carlos went out first. Then Evie, Mal, Aurox, Gabriel, Xander, and Ben. Harry gave me a concerned look, but I ignored it and pulled him with me.


A/N: Not gonna lie, I almost typed Joffery.

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