I'm Not Your Girl

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I looked around the room in total shock, along with my friends. They...They really believe that I could rule this place. No. No. I can't even get Kronk's son, Axel, to tie his shoes right. And I'm not a leader. I'm better off being one of Uma's first mates.

I shook my head. "No, you got the wrong girl. I'm not -"

"Whether you like it or not, you're still the princess," Xander said. Then he grabbed a bag from one table and placed it in front of us. "And as a princess, you need to look the part. Well, you're going to be fighting, so this might not be the best attire for it." He opened the bag and reached in. He pulled out this beautiful dress before placing it on the table. Then he dug his hand in again to pull out a crown. He opened the bag even more and put both hands in it. "And since you're not just a regular princess, you need a weapon."

I furrowed my eyebrows when he pulled out and axe. He shook his head and dug deeper. He rummaged through the bag and all these items came out: swords, daggers, chainsaw, a metal shield, mace. Carlos and I exchanged a confused look. How can he fit all those in there? Carlos got under the table to make sure there wasn't a secret compartment. When he got up, he shook his head.

"We're not getting any younger here," Gabriel said.

Xander let out a fake chuckle. "Hey, Gabe. Shut up." Xander let out a small victory noise. "There it is." My eyes widen when I see him pull out a stocked quiver. He handed it to me before he went back down and pulled out a bow. He grinned happily before placing it on the table. "What's a princess without her bow and arrow?"

Harry leaned closer to me. "What is he? A wizard?" He whispered.

Xander raised his eyebrow at him. "No. I'm Mary Poppins' kid."

Grandpa rolled his eyes before picking up the bow. "This bow belonged to my daughter." He held it out to me. "And she would want you to have it."

Aurox made a scoffing sound. "You really think that she could be queen? A villain's kid?"

Gabriel crossed his arms. "Oh, and who are you? A thief's kid?" He looked around the building before he started to tease him. "Where's your little sidekick?" Aurox was fuming. "What's her name...Gwe -"

Gabriel got cut off when Aurox grabbed his by the collar of his jacket and pinned him to the table. "Don't you ever talk about her," he sneered.

Gabriel just raised his hand to create this earthy glow. The ground started to shake as we heard a few buzzing noise. Grandpa told us to take cover. Harry grabbed me and pulled me under the table. I looked up to see a charm of humming birds flying towards Aurox. He let Gabriel go as the birds started to peck him. Harry, Mal, and I started to laugh as Aurox started flinging his arms everywhere.

"Get them off me!" He yelled.

Gabriel didn't listen. Aurox kept moving around like if he was on fire. Nothing but a bunch of flaps and his yells were heard. Aurox didn't pay attention to where he was going and fell back over a chair. He crashed landed on the floor and Gabriel lowered his hands, making the birds go away.

He walked over and knelt down next to him. "Don't touch me."

The room was silent before Jay broke it. "That was awesome!"


Grandpa gave us a few hours to rest. He showed us our rooms. I was sitting on the bed looking over Elsa and Anna's profiles. Why would they want to invade DunBroch? I looked back at the video of them arguing with my parents. What did they do that was so bad for them wanting to take over and kill them?

That Elsa chick was powerful, I'll admit. But her file showed that she believed in peace. Well, this was not peaceful. And from what I can tell about Anna is that she's a bit weird, unusual, and awkward. What does her husband see in her is beyond me? 

I can't believe they think I can rule all these people. It's not me. I want me freedom and not be stuck in some palace. It would be worst than the Isle. The Isle is a prison. But if I've live here then I'll be in complete solitude. I wouldn't be able to be me. They want some happy, friendly, queen. Not some wicked villain kid. Oh, if Dr. Facilier and Aunt Yzma can see me now. They would be appalled...well not Yzma.

I heard footsteps from the hall. I shut off the tablet and quickly laid down, pretending I was asleep. I heard the door open. I heard some ruffling before I felt my bed dipped. I calmed down when I recognized Harry's scent as he laid next to me. I shuffled closer to him, glad that he didn't want to talk.

"Night, Frosty," he mumbled.

"Night, Harry."


A/N: Not edited.

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