The True Ruler

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Carlos looked at the screen dumbfound. "Wait, so you're saying that -" he pointed at the hologram of Sonny "-this chick rules this place.

"Girl's hot," Jay piped up. We all gave him a look which he just shrugged his shoulders in response. "What? I'm just stating the obvious."

Xander gave us an annoyed look while motioning towards Jay. "And you're friends with this guy."

"Unfortunately," Mal, Evie, Carlos, and I said.

Gabriel smirked at Xander. "Look at that, Xan. You're not the most annoying person here."

Xander gave him a look. "Yeah, thanks for that."

"How did all of this started?" Ben thought out loud. I was curious, too.

Grandpa Fergus typed a few things on the monitor until a video showed up. It was a red headed woman storming into the castle back then. She had a few snowman soldiers right behind her. I see another familiar curly red head standing up and walking down her throne. My mother.

There wasn't any audio playing, but you could tell that they were in a heated argument. My dad stood up, staff in hand, and looked...betrayed. The red head just smirked at Dad before she motioned for the soldiers to attack. Dad waved his staff and these spike of ice shot at the soldiers. Before we could get into further detail, Grandpa cut off the video.

"And you don't know what happened to the rest."

"Ok, but how is Elsa involved in this?" Evie asked.

Mal scoffed. "Isn't it obvious? She's the one who created those things. It really is a winter war."

"Yet, where was she when all of this happened?" Harry asked.

Gabriel crossed his arms. "She was back in Arendelle in her little ice castle watching this whole thing happen. When Sonny came of age, Anna just handed the castle to her."

"And no one thought to stop them?" Carlos asked.

"We have. Many times," Xander piped up. "When our parents heard of the attack, they packed up their bags and came here. They recruited people, animals, everything and anyone they could think of. We still lost our soldiers."

Evie's eyes soften as she paced her hand on his shoulder. Noticing the tears in his eyes. "I'm so sorry." Her gaze fell on Gabriel. "For both of your losses."

Xander nodded his head in appreciation as he wiped his tears. "Gabriel and I will not let our parents deaths be in vain." His eyes met mine. "Your Grandpa thought of a way for us to sneak into the castle. And if everything goes according to plan, we will get the castle back tonight."

Aurox decided to be a smart mouth and commented with a scoff. "And where exactly where do we fit into this?" He gave Gabriel a look. "You had a look on your face the minute you saw us."

How did I not notice it? Gabriel glared at him. "Because, as much as your unexpected visit is unnecessary, we could use your talents."

"Right, you could use a very skillful archer -" he pointed at me "- a brat who can shoot ice from her hands -" then at Harry "- a crappy pirate -" then at Carlos, Mal, Evie, and Jay "- and a bunch villain kids."

"Hey, we have more skills in one hand than you do in your entire body," Mal snapped at him. "And you seem to forget that MJ is better at archery than you. No one even wanted you here. You just tagged along because Ben, for some reason, thought it was a good idea."

Speaking of Ben, he came up and placed his hand on Mal's shoulder. "It's ok, Mal."

I could see her eyes turn green. "It's not! Jay and Carlos are good at stealing and find another route to escape any situation. Evie is good at distracting people. Harry is a great swordsman. And you seem to forget that I can turn into a dragon. The way I see it, the only useless one is him!"

She kept panting after her little tantrum. Bless Mal and her tantrums when needed. The room was silent after that. Which got broken when Gabriel laughed. He applaud her before wiping a fake tear from is eye.

He kept chuckling as he pointed at her. "I like you." Mal smirked at Aurox in satisfaction.

Grandpa Fergus sighed in frustration. "Enough. We're not going to get anything done with all of this bickering." He typed on the monitor again and the blue print of the castle popped up. "There's a secret entrance near the kitchen. Eleonore  thought it would be a good idea in case there was a fire and our staff needed a way out." He zoomed in again to show us the outside of the kitchen. "The secret tunnel doesn't just lead to the kitchen. It goes from the ballroom. The main room. My room. And Merida's."

"Because that doesn't sound pervy at all," Harry commented.

Grandpa gave him a look before continuing. "We'll be split in groups of four. Xander, Mal, and Carlos will take the tunnel towards the kitchen." He looked at Carlos. "Try not to eat anything you see." Carlos nodded. "Aurox, Gabriel, and Jay will take the route towards the ballroom. "Evie, Ben, and I will take my room. MJ and Harry you take Merida's. Sonny will have guards surrounding her, but with your guys skill we can take them down."

Jay smirked while cracking his knuckles. "Of course."

Xander finished for him. He pulled up the map of the castle from birds-eye view. "And we all meet at the thrown room. Since Sonny isn't Elsa's daughter, she can't throw any ice balls at us. We surround her, pin her towards the ground, and take the crown back. We can finally have DunBroch back and the rightful heir will rule this place."

Ben nodded. "Yeah, Fergus makes a great ruler. He's DunBroch's true king."

Grandpa shook his head. "As much as I love to have my kingdom back, my days as a ruler are over."

I furrowed my eyebrows. "Then who?"

Grandpa slowly looked at me. "You."

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